cover image Fools for Scandal: How the Media Invented Whitewater

Fools for Scandal: How the Media Invented Whitewater

Gene Lyons. Franklin Square Press, $9.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-1-879957-52-7

On March 8, 1992, the New York Times published an article by investigative reporter Jeff Gerth. The headline said, ""Clintons Joined S&L Operator in an Ozark Real Estate Venture."" That venture later became known as Whitewater. Lyons has written this timely, important book (based in part on an article that appeared in the October 1994 issue of Harper's Magazine) because he believes that Gerth, the Times and other news organizations have created a damaging political scandal out of misinterpretation, innuendo and a bias against Arkansas. Lyons (Widow's Web) surely knows that his book, if deemed believable, will help Clinton's reelection campaign and cleanse some of the dirt from the image of the President and the First Lady. The task is to determine the credibility of Lyons, an Arkansas native who is no friend of Bill and certainly no friend of major media organizations that have, he says, bungled the Clinton ""scandal"" stories, sometimes with malice aforethought. The verdict: Lyons is credible more often than not. His dense analyses of specific stories from the New York Times and elsewhere point out errors of fact and interpretation. The book would be far more convincing, however, if it included copies of documents referred to over and over as proof of media incompetence and/or ill will. The appendices that are included are helpful but not sufficient to make the strongest possible case. (Aug.)