Stories of the Stranger: Encounters with Exiles and Outsiders
Martin Palmer and Katriana Hazell. Bene Factum (IPG, dist.), $15.95 trade paper (216p) ISBN 978-1-909657-44-1
In 2012, there were 23,000 people each day displaced, dispersed, and dispossessed, driven from their homes by conflict and persecution. When refugees flee, it's often with only the clothes on their backs%E2%80%94and stories on their lips. Those in exile must rely on the kindness of strangers, beware of hucksters, and seek out the protection of angels in disguise. This collection of 20 short tales, drawn from holy books, legends, and modern stories, and with a preface by former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, reminds readers that meeting the stranger is risky and mysterious, although often rewarding. In "The End of the World," the founder of the Baha'i faith transforms his jailer through holy actions and prayer. "Sister Agatha's Mobile" is from a contemporary Catholic sister in Nigeria who continues offering charity, even when it's abused, such as when a stranger steals her cell phone. But why did the U.K.-based Alliance of Religions and Conservation publish a collection of short stories? Because ARC is working with the world's major faiths to prepare for "the anticipated rise in refugees and migrants triggered by ecological collapse in their home countries." In short, our sacred stories may become critical flotation devices as the seas rise. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 12/15/2014
Genre: Nonfiction