cover image Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, Book 2

Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, Book 2

Ginn Hale. Blind Eye (, $18.95 trade paper (578p) ISBN 978-1-935560-34-0

In this lengthy second half of the Champion of the Scarlet Wolf duology, Hale pits her heroes and lovers against almost insurmountable odds in a fantasy world torn apart by war. The street witch Skellan, revealed to be a member of the nobility, has reluctantly taken up his proper role as Count Hilthorn Radulf and assumed control of the beleaguered city of Milmuraille. He has also claimed Cadeleonian nobleman Elezar as his champion and companion, much to the long-closeted Elezar’s surprise. Before they can claim a happy ending, they must deal with city politics and assassination attempts, as well as the greater threat: with the city’s magical wards destroyed, the ancient witch-queens called grimma and their enthralled armies of beasts and magical creatures march forth, destroying everything in their path. To defeat unkillable forces of nature, Skellan and Elezar risk everything. Hale continues to satisfy with capable worldbuilding and a strong emotional narrative that fuels the core romance between the leads, gradually raising the stakes and the tension before resolving it all in an epic and entertaining magical confrontation. [em](Oct.) [/em]