Future Hack (Chronicles of GAIA #1)
Dana Klisanin, illus. by Melisca Klisanin and Yeyan Xu. Genius Cat, $18.99 (416p) ISBN 978-1-938447-61-7
A grieving tween is tasked with stopping a fatal cataclysm in Klisanin’s earnest debut. To cope with the loss of her dog Zara, whom she felt was her soulmate, white-presenting seventh grader Alexandra Andromeda throws herself into pranking. When a stunt goes too far, she’s sent to Thistleton Academy for Highly Creatives, an environmentally focused boarding school where her own parents met years ago. As she contends with frequent discipline for her continued antics, Lexa is stalked by a ghostly boy of a blue hue who reveals that he’s from the future—and warns her that Thistleton is the source of an imminent mass extinction event that she must prevent. With the aid of an intersectionally diverse group of friends, Lexa must work to find a way to not only escape Thistleton but also save the world. Cartoonish villainy and a standard boarding school setting weigh down a conveniently plotted storyline. Still, Lexa’s grief over Zara’s death is palpable, and messaging around the importance of environmental education and individual activism are heartening. Eerie and atmospheric grayscale art by illustrators Klisanin and Xu features throughout. Ages 9–12. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 08/31/2023
Genre: Children's