cover image Double Strike

Double Strike

Gretchen Archer. Henery (, $15.95 trade paper (260p) ISBN 978-1-94097-633-4

Fasten your seat belts: Davis Way, the superspy of Southern casino gambling, is back (after 2014's Double Dip) for her third wild caper. She's trying to marry Bradley, her attorney fianc%C3%A9, but the divorce from her estranged husband has not come through as planned. A reader who wonders why Davis entrusted her divorce action to a lawyer who "couldn't cross the street without instigating a four-car pileup and three fistfights" is missing the point, which is to hold on tight while the story gallops along. The main action centers on a top-secret mega-jackpot program about to debut at Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Miss. Davis and her fellow security agents are blind-sided when things start going wrong%E2%80%94very wrong indeed. Plus, since Davis looks like Bianca Saunders, the extremely spoiled wife of the casino's owner, she sometimes must impersonate her, leading to many misunderstandings and occasional hilarity. Another quirk: Davis can't remember names, so all the characters have odd nicknames; her boss, Jeremy, is No Hair. That makes it harder to keep track of people, but since the action continues at a breakneck pace, perhaps it doesn't matter. (Oct.)