cover image Peekaboo


Giuliano Ferri. Minedition (IPG, dist.), $11.99 (16p) ISBN 978-988-8240-93-7

Italian artist Ferri proves that the delights of peekaboo transcend language in a near-wordless board book that lets readers play the familiar game with seven animals. Hinged paws, wings, and hooves mask the faces of a fox, pig, hedgehog, owl, and other animals; lifting them to the left and right reveals their wide, friendly eyes and soft smiles. The concept couldn%E2%80%99t be simpler, but the warmth and personality that exude from Ferri%E2%80%99s wonderfully furry and fuzzy portraits give the sense that readers have just made half a dozen new animal friends, while a mirror insert ends the book with a playful surprise. Up to age 3. (Apr.)