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Artificial Intelligence: Revolution and Opportunity in Trade Publishing

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On September 27, 2023, the publishing industry gathered for PW’s Artificial Intelligence: Revolution and Opportunity in Trade Publishing virtual conference. The half-day program provided an intimate glimpse of where AI may be taking the industry from experts - both inside and outside of publishing. 

This program gathered top thinkers on emerging technologies and tackled the topics on everyone’s mind: Will AI affect editorial? Product acquisition? Marketing? Production?  Markus Dohle, former CEO of Penguin Random House, offered opening remarks, reflecting on how the publishing industry has changed over the years and where AI could fit in the future.  Ethan Mollick, an associate professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and one of the most insightful and engaging advocates for AI, gave a not-to-be-missed closing keynote address on the practical uses of AI from his perspective as a teacher and as a published writer.  Other sessions covered:  

AI and Editorial. The impact on writers and editors, within or without a single-source publishing workflow.

AI and Marketing. Will AI make publishers more effective marketers, particularly online?

AI and Production. Using AI for design, production, e-book creation, single-source publishing, etc.

Legal Concerns Surrounding AI and Publishing. An overview of the most important issues concerning authorship, copyright and contracts.

A Vision of the Future of AI and Trade Book Publishing.

The event was hosted by Thad McIlroy, digital publishing analyst and PW contributor, and Peter Brantley, director of online strategy for the University of California Davis Library and founder of the Books in Browsers conference. 

This program is available for playback through October 27, 2023.  All previous registrants have access to the recordings. 

Register today and enjoy viewing at your convenience through October 27th.  

And be on the lookout for the next program in this new series:  

AI Tools and Solutions for Book Publishers  
Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence  

When: February 21, 2024  
Where: Online (registration opens in December).  

Have a question? Contact us at

And if you are shouting out about this event and AI on X or other social media, please use this hashtag:  #PWAICONF

Yale University Press
B&H Publishing
Stanford University Press
Stanford University Press
Caezik & UFO Pub








No Starch Press
Forbes Books
Tuttle Publishing
Linda Leith Publishing
PRH (Dutton)
The MIT Press
The MIT Press








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Markus Dohle

Former CEO, Penguin Random House

Barbara Ruehling

CEO, Book Sprints Ltd.

Ethan Mollick

Associate Professor, The Wharton School

Gregg Hurwitz

Bestselling author of the Orphan X novels

Hosted by

Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly is the international news platform of the book publishing industry. Founded more than 150 years ago and published weekly ever since, the magazine boasts 1.26 million social media followers; publishes 10 3-newsletters, BookLife (a website and semimonthly supplement),, a blog, podcasts, a mobile edition, digital editions and apps; and features a thriving website that reaches 13.4 million unique visitors annually.


Book Advisors LLC

Book Advisors LLC provides confidential M&A representation to publishers


Award-winning AI-powered digital transformation solutions

knk Group

Microsoft-Certified, Future-Proof Technology for Publishers and Media


A modern writing platform that uses AI to unlock your best writing.


An integrated editorial and production SAAS platform for publishers


Scripted Audio Production, Simplified.

Virtusales Publishing Solutions

BiblioSuite publishing software, trusted by world-leading publishers