Crown Publishing Group gets a make-over, and PW’s Rachel Deahl gets the inside story from the make-over artist herself. And in reviews, what’s wrong in America’s downtowns – and why these crimes are committed by architects and bureaucrats, not thugs and gangsters.

“Industry-watchers may recall that when CEO Marcus Dohle got to Random House, he reorganized a number of the company’s divisions, including Crown, which was long known as a big, and some said rather confusing, editorial division,” Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly features editor, tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “The big change, of course, was hiring Maya Mavjee as publisher. Rachel gets into some of the structural shifts, but more importantly, this is the first time Mavjee has really talked to the press, and the story is very interesting.”

Rose Fox, PW reviews editor who blogs at Genreville takes note of Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time by city planner and architectural designer Jeff Speck (co-author of Suburban Nation). The book, says PW, “offers an informative and engaging look at what’s gone awry in American zoning codes and road planning and what can be done to re-engage the public with downtowns large and small.”

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