In response to increased demand by U.S. booksellers in recent years for Spanish-language books to include in their inventories, Independent Publishers Group (IPG) will host a virtual Spanish-language books showcase on October 10, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. CDT.

The inaugural forum, which will be conducted in English, will cover best practices for North American booksellers selling Spanish-language titles, such as listing book descriptions in Spanish first, and then in English. The inaugural showcase also will provide an opportunity for some of the approximately 40 publishers of Spanish-language books distributed by IPG to present picks of their lists directly to buyers and booksellers. A group of IPG’s Spanish-language publishers will present a total of 65 spring 2025 frontlist titles over the course of the two hours; the session will be divided between adult and children’s titles.

According to an IPG release, the distribution company decided to schedule this showcase in response to feedback received after a recent panel discussion about Spanish-language publishers in the U.S. hosted by the Independent Publishers Caucus.

“I hope this becomes a regular event that will help drive further sales for publishers and authors," said Tim McCall, IPG's VP of sales, in a statment. "We look forward to a vibrant exchange of ideas that will help shape an important and growing market.”

Brooke O’Donnell, SVP for international business development, added, “We hope this new forum gives our publishers insights into what’s working in this market and our buyers a better understanding of key Spanish-language books available to them through IPG.”

To register for IPG's inaugural Spanish-language showcase, email Julia Dillman at