You’ve been asking, and I’ve been working on it, and now it’s here! The updated round-up of this year’s starred reviews for youth literature from Booklist, The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, The Horn Book, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and School Library Journal.
So far this year, 789 books have received 1267 stars from these esteemed review sources.
This is an insanely detail-laden process, and as careful as I try to be, there may be oversights here and there. If you want the cleanest version of this list, check back a week or two after each update, when I’ll have been alerted to anything that needs fixing.
Please remember: starred reviews are counted only when they have been officially published publicly by the review magazines. Often I receive emails about books that will be starred in upcoming issues; please only send me corrections if the review date has passed and the magazine or web review has already appeared to the public. {EDITED TO ADD: I have just been alerted to a problem with the Kirkus stars. Some titles receive online-only stars that do not appear in the Kirkus print index files. I will be tracking these down as best as I can, but would appreciate assistance for titles that received online-only stars from Kirkus.) Publishers, please alert me to any oversights at ebluemle at, including the review sources and dates for the starred reviews. Thanks! Please do not send VOYA 5Q5P titles. I will post a separate list of VOYA “perfect ten” scores for 2014 in December.
Finally, if you are purchasing books inspired by this list, please strongly consider using an independent bookstore. You can find online indies through An independent bookseller (me) compiled this list on behalf of everyone who lives, loves, and works hard in the service of books and children. Thank you!
P.S. Please drop a note in the comments section, if you like. Would love to know how and by whom this list is used. The feedback fuels the next assail.
Brown Girl Dreaming. Jacqueline Woodson. Penguin/Paulsen, $16.99
Family Romanov, The: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia. Candace Fleming. Random House, $18.99
This One Summer. Mariko Tamaki, illus. by Jillian Tamaki. First Second, $21.99 hc, $17.99 pb
Draw! Raul Colon. Simon & Schuster/Wiseman, $17.99
Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems. Paul B. Janeczko, illus. by Melissa Sweet. Candlewick, $16.99
Ghosts of Tupelo Landing, The. Sheila Turnage. Dial, $16.99
Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy. Karen Foxlee. Knopf, $16.99
Rain Reign. Ann M. Martin. Feiwel and Friends, $16.99
Revolution (Sixties Trilogy 2). Deborah Wiles. Scholastic Press, $19.99
We Were Liars. E. Lockhart. Delacorte, $17.99
West of the Moon. Margi Preus. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
100 Sideways Miles. Andrew Smith. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Absolutely Almost. Lisa Graff. Philomel, $16.99
All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom. Angela Johnson, illus. by E.B. Lewis. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Boundless, The. Kenneth Oppel. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Bow-Wow’s Nightmare Neighbors. Mark Newgarden, illus. by Megan Montague Cash. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
Children of the King, The. Sonya Hartnett. Candlewick, $16.99
Crossover, The. Kwame Alexander. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Egg and Spoon. Gregory Maguire. Candlewick, $17.99
Elizabeth, Queen of the Seas. Lynne Cox, illus. by Brian Floca. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Eyes Wide Open: Going Beyond the Environmental Headlines. Paul Fleischman. Candlewick, $17.99
Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future. A.S. King. Little, Brown, $18
Here Comes the Easter Cat. Deborah Underwood, illus. by Claudia Rueda. Dial, $16.99
How I Discovered Poetry. Marilyn Nelson, illus. by Hadley Hooper. Dial, $16.99
Iridescence of Birds, The: A Book About Henri Matisse. Patricia MacLachlan, illus. by Hadley Hooper. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker. Patricia Hruby Powell, illus. by Christian Robinson. Chronicle, $17.99
Key That Swallowed Joey Pigza, The. Jack Gantos. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $16.99
Last Forever, The. Deb Caletti. Simon Pulse, $17.99
Lion and the Bird, The. Marianne Dubuc, trans. from the French by Claudia Z. Bedrick. Enchanted Lion (Consortium, dist.), $17.95
Noisy Paint Box, The: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstract Art. Barb Rosenstock, illus. by Mary GrandPré. Knopf, $17.99
Otherbound. Corinne Duyvis. Abrams/Amulet, $17.95
Pilot and the Little Prince, The: The Life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Peter Sís. FSG/Foster, $18.99
Quest. Aaron Becker. Candlewick, $15.99
Rules of Summer. Shaun Tan. Scholastic/Levine, $18.99
Scraps Book, The: Notes from a Colorful Life. Lois Ehlert. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Shooting at the Stars: The Christmas Truce of 1914. John Hendrix. Abrams, $18.95
Sisters. Raina Telgemeier. Scholastic/Graphix, $10.99 pb
Through the Woods. Emily Carroll. S&S/McElderry, $21.99
Time to Dance, A. Padma Venkatraman. Penguin/Paulsen, $17.99
Volcano Beneath the Snow, A: John Brown’s War Against Slavery. Albert Marrin. Knopf, $19.99
100 Things That Make Me Happy. Amy Schwartz. Abrams Appleseed, $16.95
Afterworlds. Scott Westerfeld. Simon Pulse, $19.99
Althea & Oliver. Cristina Moracho. Viking, $17.99
And We Stay. Jenny Hubbard. Delacorte, $16.99
Angel Island: Gateway to Gold Mountain. Russell Freeman. Clarion, $17.99 3
As Red as Blood. Salla Simukka, trans. from the Finnish by Owen F. Witesman. Amazon/Skyscape, $9.99 pb
Ashley Bryan’s Puppets: Making Something From Everything. Ashley Bryan, photos by Ken Hannon. S&S/Atheneum, $19.99
Aviary Wonders Inc: Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual. Kate Samworth. Clarion, $17.99
Baby Tree, The. Sophie Blackall. Penguin/Paulsen, $17.99
Bear’s Sea Escape, The. Benjamin Chaud. Chronicle, $17.99
Because They Marched: The People’s Campaign for Voting Rights That Changed America. Russell Freedman. Holiday House, $20
Belzhar. Meg Wolitzer. Dutton, $17.99
Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out. Susan Kuklin. Candlewick, $22.99
Blind. Rachel DeWoskin. Viking, $17.99
Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Maggie Stiefvater. Scholastic Press, $18.99
Blue on Blue. Dianne White, illus. by Beth Krommes. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Buried Sunlight: How Fossil Fuels Have Changed the Earth. Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm, illus. by Molly Bang. Scholastic/Blue Sky, $18.99
Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms. Katherine Rundell. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen. Garth Nix. Harper, $18.99
Complicit. Stephanie Kuehn. St. Martin’s Griffin, $19.99
Cracks in the Kingdom, The (Colors of Madeleine 2). Jaclyn Moriarty. Scholastic/Levine, $18.99
Creature of Moonlight, A. Rebecca Hahn. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
El Deafo. Cece Bell. Abrams/Amulet, $21.95
Extraordinary Jane. Hannah E. Harrison. Dial, $16.99
Eye to Eye: How Animals See the World. Steve Jenkins. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Farmer and the Clown, The. Marla Frazee. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Fly Away. Patricia MacLachlan. S&S/McElderry, $15.99
Following Papa’s Song. Gianna Marino. Viking, $16.99
Frida & Diego: Art, Love, Life. Catherine Reef. Clarion, $18.99
Gabi, A Girl in Pieces. Isabel Quintero. Cinco Puntos, $17.95 hc, $11.95 pb
Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle. George Hagen, illus. by Scott Bakal. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $16.99
Girls Like Us. Gail Giles. Candlewick, $16.99
Glass Sentence, The. S.E. Grove. Viking, $17.99
Gospel of Winter, The. Brendan Kiely. S&S/McElderry, $17.99
Grasshopper Jungle. Andrew Smith. Dutton, $18.99
Gravity. Jason Chin. Roaring Brook/Porter, $16.99
Half a Chance. Cynthia Lord. Scholastic Press, $16.99
Hannah’s Night. Komako Sakai, trans. from the Japanese by Cathy Hirano. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $17.99
Hermelin the Detective Mouse. Mini Grey. Knopf, $17.99
Hidden Like Anne Frank: 14 True Stories of Survival. Marcel Prins and Peter Henk Steenhuis, trans. from the Dutch by Laura Watkinson. Scholastic/Levine, $16.99
How to Cheer Up Dad. Fred Koehler. Dial, $17.99
Impossible Knife of Memory, The. Laurie Halse Anderson. Viking, $18.99
Islands at the End of the World, The. Austin Aslan. Random/Lamb, $17.99
Jim Curious: A Voyage to the Heart of the Sea in 3-D Vision. Matthias Picard. Abrams, $19.95
Kiss of Deception, The. Mary E. Pearson. Holt, $17.99
Little Melba and Her Big Trombone. Katheryn Russell-Brown, illus. by Frank Morrisson. Lee & Low, $18.95
Madman of Piney Woods, The. Christopher Paul Curtis. Scholastic Press, $16.99
Mark of the Dragonfly, The. Jaleigh Johnson. Delacorte, $16.99
Meaning of Maggie, The. Megan Jean Sovern. Chronicle, $16.99
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch. Anne Isaacs, illus. by Kevin Hawkes. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Mix It Up! Hervé Tullet, trans. from the French by Christopher Franceschelli. Chronicle/Handprint, $15.99
Mocha Dick: The Legend and the Fury. Brian Heinz, illus. by Randall Enos. Creative Editions, $18.99
My Bus. Byron Barton. Greenwillow, $16.99
My Grandfather’s Coat. Jim Aylesworth, illus. by Barbara McClintock. Scholastic Press, $17.99
My Teacher Is a Monster! (No, I Am Not.) Peter Brown. Little, Brown, $18
Neighborhood Sharks: Hunting with the Great White of California’s Farallon Islands. Katherine Roy. Roaring Brook/David Macaulay Studio, $17.99
Nest. Esther Ehrlich. Random/Lamb, $16.99
Nine Open Arms. Benny Lindelauf, trans. from the Dutch by John Nieuwenhuizen, illus. by Dasha Tolstikova. Enchanted Lion (Consortium, dist.), $16.95
Number One Sam. Greg Pizzoli. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Nuts to You. Lynne Rae Perkins. Greenwillow, $16.99
Planes Go. Steve Light. Chronicle, $9.99
Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty. Christine Heppermann. Greenwillow, $17.99
Port Chicago 50, The: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights. Steve Sheinkin. Roaring Brook, $19.99
Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine. Gloria Whelan, illus. by Nancy Carpenter. S&S/Wiseman, $17.99
Red Pencil, The. Andrea Davis Pinkney, illus. by Shane W. Evans. Little, Brown, $17
Right Word, The: Roget and His Thesaurus. Jen Bryant, illus. by Melissa Sweet. Eerdmans, $17.50
Searching for Sarah Rector: The Richest Black Girl in America. Tonya Bolden. Abrams, $21.95
Sebastian and the Balloon. Philip C. Stead. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
Seven Wild Sisters: A Modern Fairy Tale. Charles de Lint, illus. by Charles Vess. Little, Brown, $18
Shadow Hero, The. Gene Luen Yang, illus. by Sonny Liew. First Second, $17.99 pb
She Is Not Invisible. Marcus Sedgwick. Roaring Brook, $16.99
Snicker of Magic, A. Natalie Lloyd. Scholastic Press, $16.99
Story of Owen, The: Dragon Slayer of Trondheim. E.K. Johnston. Carolrhoda Lab, $17.95
This Is a Moose. Richard T. Morris, illus. by Tom Lichtenheld. Little, Brown, $18
Thomas Jefferson: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Everything. Maira Kalman. Penguin/Paulsen, $17.99
Three Bears in a Boat. David Soman. Dial, $17.99
Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes. Nicola Davies, illus. by Emily Sutton. Candlewick, $15.99
True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean, The. David Almond. Candlewick, $17.99
Vanishing Season, The. Jodi Lynn Anderson. HarperTeen, $17.99
Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy, The. Kate Hattemer. Knopf, $16.99
Viva Frida. Yuyi Morales, photos by Tim O’Meara. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
What If…? Anthony Browne. Candlewick, $16.99
Wildlife. Fiona Wood. Little, Brown, $18
Winner’s Curse, The. Marie Rutkoski. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $17.99
Winter Is Coming. Tony Johnston, illus. by Jim LaMarche. S&S/Wiseman, $17.99
Witch’s Boy, The. Kelly Barnhill. Algonquin, $16.95
Young Elites, The. Marie Lu. Putnam, $18.99
Zane and the Hurricane: A Story of Katrina. Rodman Philbrick. Scholastic/Blue Sky, $16.99
Animalium. Jenny Broom, illus. by Katie Scott. Candlewick/Big Picture, $35
Anna’s Heaven. Stian Hole. Eerdmans, $17
At Home in Her Tomb: Lady Dai and the Ancient Chinese Treasures of Mawangdui. Christine Liu-Perkins, illus. by Sarah S. Brannen. Charlesbridge, $19.95
Baby Bear. Kadir Nelson. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
Baby’s Got the Blues. Carol Diggory Shields, illus. by Lauren Tobia. Candlewick, $16.99
Bad Bye, Good Bye. Deborah Underwood, illus. by Jonathan Bean. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Beetle Boy. Margaret Willey. Carolrhoda Lab, $17.95
Ben Franklin’s Big Splash: The Mostly True Story of His First Invention. Barb Rosenstock, illus. by S.D. Schindler. Boyds Mills/Calkins Creek, $16.95
Big Bug. Henry Cole. Little Simon, $14.99
Blossoming Universe of Violet Diamond, The. Brenda Woods. Penguin/Paulsen, $16.99
Blue Mountain. Martine Leavitt. FSG/Ferguson, $15.99
Born in the Wild: Baby Mammals and Their Parents. Lita Judge. Roaring Brook, $18.99
Boy and a Jaguar, A. Alan Rabinowitz, illus by Cátia Chien. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Brave Chicken Little. Robert Byrd. Viking, $17.99
Brimsby’s Hats. Andrew Prahin. Simon & Schuster, $15.99
Brother Hugo and the Bear. Katy Beebe, illus. by S.D. Schindler. Eerdmans, $17
Cabinet of Curiosities, The: 36 Tales Brief & Sinister. Stefan Bachmann, Katherine Catmull, Claire Legrand, and Emma Trevayne, illus. by Alexander Jansson. Greenwillow, $16.99
Caminar. Skila Brown. Candlewick, $15.99
Castle Behind Thorns, The. Merrie Haskell. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99
Catalyst. S.J. Kincaid. HarperCollins/Tegen, $17.99
Chance You Won’t Return, The. Annie Cardi. Candlewick, $16.99
Chasing Cheetahs: The Race to Save Africa’s Fastest Cat (Scientists in the Field). Sy Montgomery, illus. by Nic Bishop. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $18.99
Circle, Square, Moose. Kelly Bingham, illus. by Paul O. Zelinsky. Greenwillow, $17.99
Comics Squad: Recess! Jennifer Holm, Matthew Holm, Jarrett J. Krosoczka et al. Random, $12.99 hc, $7.99 pb
Cosmobiography of Sun Ra, The: The Sound of Joy Is Enlightening. Chris Raschka. Candlewick, $15.99
Dance Like Starlight, A: One Ballerina’s Dream. Kristy Dempsey, illus. by Floyd Cooper. Philomel, $16.99
Dare the Wind: The Record-Breaking Voyage of Eleanor Prentiss and the Flying Cloud. Tracey Fern, illus. by Emily Arnold McCully. FSG/Ferguson, $17.99
Dash. Kirby Larson. Scholastic Press, $16.99
Dear Wandering Wildebeest: And Other Poems from the Water Hole. Irene Latham, illus. by Anna Wadham. Lerner/Millbrook, $17.95
Deer Dancer. Mary Lyn Ray, illus. by Lauren Stringer. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Devil’s Intern, The. Donna Hosie. Holiday House, $16.95
Dory Fantasmagory. Abby Hanlon. Dial, $14.99
Dream Dog. Lou Berger, illus. by David Catrow. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Dreams of Gods & Monsters. Laini Taylor. Little, Brown, $19.
Edward Hopper Paints His World. Robert Burleigh, illus. by Wendell Minor. Holt/Ottaviano, $17.99
Emily’s Blue Period. Cathleen Daly. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
Everybody Paints!: The Lives and Art of the Wyeth Family. Susan Goldman Rubin. Chronicle, $16.99
Far from You. Tess Sharpe. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99
Five, Six, Seven, Nate! Tim Federle. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Flashlight. Lizi Boyd. Chronicle, $16.99
Flat Rabbit, The. Bardur Oskarsson. Owlkids, $16.95
Flight School. Lita Judge. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Fourteenth Goldfish, The. Jennifer L. Holm. Random, $16.99
Fox’s Garden. Princess Camcam. Enchanted Lion (Consortium, dist.), $14.95
Free to Fall. Lauren Miller. HarperTeen, $17.99
Freedom Summer Murders, The. Don Mitchell. Scholastic Press, $18.99
Freedom Summer: The 1964 Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi. Susan Goldman Rubin. Holiday House, $18.95
From There to Here. Laurel Croza, illus. by Matt James. Groundwood (PGW, dist.), $18.95
Gaston. Kelly DiPucchio, illus. by Christian Robinson. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Give and Take. Chris Raschka. S&S/Atheneum/Jackson, $17.99
Glass Casket, The. McCormick Templeman. Delacorte, $17.99
God Loves Hair. Vivek Shraya, illus. by Juliana Neufeld. Arsenal Pulp, $18.95 pb
Going Over. Beth Kephart. Chronicle, $17.99
Grandfather Gandhi. Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus, illus. by Evan Turk. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
Graveyard Book Graphic Novel: Volume I. Neil Gaiman, adapted by P. Craig Russell, illus. by Scott Hampton, Tony Harris, et al. Harper, $19.99
Great Greene Heist, The. Varian Johnson. Scholastic/Levine, $16.99
Greenglass House. Kate Milford, illus. by Jaime Zollars. Clarion, $17.99
Gus & Me: The Story of My Granddad and My First Guitar. Keith Richards with Barnaby Harris and Bill Shapiro, illus. by Theodora Richards. Little, Brown/Tingley, $18
Half a World Away. Cynthia Kadohata. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Half Bad. Sally Green. Viking, $18.99
Hansel & Gretel. Neil Gaiman, illus. by Lorenzo Mattotti. Candlewick/Toon, $16.95
Harlem Hellfighters. J. Patrick Lewis, illus. by Gary Kelley. Creative Editions, $18.99
Have You Heard the Nesting Bird? Rita Gray, illus. by Kenard Pak. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
He Has Shot the President!: April 14, 1865: The Day John Wilkes Booth Killed President Lincoln. Don Brown. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Heap House. Edward Carey. Overlook, $16.99
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash. G. Neri, illus. by A.G. Ford. Candlewick, $16.99
Hi, Koo!: A Year of Seasons. Jon J Muth. Scholastic Press, $17.99
Hit, The. Melvin Burgess. Scholastic/Chicken House, $17.99
How It Went Down. Kekla Magoon. Holt, $16.99
Hug Machine. Scott Campbell. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Hunters of the Great Forest. Dennis Nolan. Roaring Brook/Porter, $17.99
I Am So Brave! Stephen Krensky, illus. by Sara Gillingham. Abrams Appleseed, $6.95
I’ll Give You the Sun. Jandy Nelson. Dial, $17.99
Ida M. Tarbell: The Woman Who Challenged Big Business—and Won! Emily Arnold McCully. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $18.99
In New York. Marc Brown. Knopf, $17.99
In Search of the Little Prince: The Story of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Bimba Landmann. Eerdmans, $17
Infinite Sea, The. Rick Yancey. Putnam, $18.99
It Is Night. Phyllis Rowand, illus. by Laura Dronzek. Greenwillow, $16.99
Just So Stories, Volume II: For Little Children. Rudyard Kipling, illus. by Ian Wallace. Groundwood, $19.95
Kid Sheriff and the Terrible Toads. Bob Shea, illus. by Lane Smith. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Knightley and Son. Rohan Gavin. Bloomsbury, $16.99
Like Water on Stone. Dana Walrath. Delacorte, $16.99
Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse. Torben Kuhlmann, trans. from the German by Suzanne Levesque. NorthSouth (Ingram, dist.), $19.95
Little Elliot, Big City. Mike Curato. Holt, $16.99
Little Green Peas: A Big Book of Colors. Keith Baker. S&S/Beach Lane, $15.95
Little Poems for Tiny Ears. Lin Oliver, illus. by Tomie dePaola. Penguin/Paulsen, $16.99
Little Roja Riding Hood. Susan Middleton Elya, illus. by Susan Guevara. Putnam, $16.99
Loot. Jude Watson. Scholastic Press, $16.99
Lost Girl Found. Leah Bassoff and Laura DeLuca. Groundwood, $16.95
Love and Other Foreign Words. Erin McCahan. Dial, $17.99
Luck Uglies, The. Paul Durham, illus. by Petur Antonsson. Harper, $16.99
Mad, Wicked Folly, A. Sharon Biggs Waller. Viking, $17.99
Mama Built a Little Nest. Jennifer Ward, illus. by Steve Jenkins. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Map to Everywhere, The. Carrie Ryan & John Parke Davis. Little, Brown, $17
Maple. Lori Nichols. Penguin/Paulsen, $16.99
Marina. Carlos Ruiz Zafón, trans. from the Spanish by Lucia Graves. Little, Brown, $19.
Mending Horses. M.P. Barker. Holiday House, $17.95
Migrant. José Manuel Matteo, trans. from the Spanish by Emmy Smith Ready, illus. by Javier Martínez Pedro. Abrams, $17.95
Misadventures of the Family Fletcher, The. Dana Alison Levy. Delacorte, $15.99
Monstrous Affections: An Anthology of Beastly Tales. Ed. by Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant. Candlewick, $22.99
My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories. Ed. by Stephanie Perkins. St. Martin’s Griffin, $18.99
Mysterious Patterns: Finding Fractals in Nature. Sarah C. Campbell, photos by Sarah C. and Richard P. Campbell. Boyds Mills, $16.95
Naked! Michael Ian Black, illus. by Debbie Ridpath Ohi. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Nancy Knows. Cybèle Young. Tundra, $17.99
Never Ending. Martyn Bedford. Random/Lamb, $16.99
Night Gardener, The. Jonathan Auxier. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
Nightingale’s Nest. Nikki Loftin. Razorbill, $16.99
Ninja! Arree Chung. Holt, $16.99
No One Else Can Have You. Kathleen Hale. HarperTeen, $17.99
Noggin. John Corey Whaley. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
On the Wing. David Elliott, illus. by Becca Stadtlander. Candlewick, $16.99
One Safe Place, The. Tania Unsworth. Algonquin, $15.95
Operation Bunny. Sally Gardner, illus. by David Roberts. Holt, $12.99
Out of the Blue. Alison Jay. Barefoot, $16.99
Out the Window. Cybèle Young. Groundwood (PGW, dist.), $12.95
Outside In. Sarah Ellis. Groundwood, $16.95
Peggy: A Brave Chicken on a Big Adventure. Anna Walker. Clarion, $16.99
Perfectly Good White Boy. Carrie Mesrobian. Carolrhoda Lab, $17.95
Perfectly Messed-Up Story, A. Patrick McDonnell. Little, Brown, $17
Picnic. John Burningham. Candlewick, $16.99
Pigeon Needs a Bath, The! Mo Willems. Hyperion, $16.99
Pom and Pim. Lena Landstrom, illus. by Olof Landstrom. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $16.95
Pond Full of Ink, A. Annie M.G. Schmidt, illus. by Sieb Posthuma, trans. by David Colmer. Eerdmans, $16
Princess in Black, The. Shannon Hale and Dean Hale, illus. by LeUyen Pham. Candlewick, $14.99
Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover. Josh Schneider. Clarion, $16.99
Pure Grit: How American World War II Nurses Survived Battle and Prison Camp in the Pacific. Mary Cronk Farrell. Abrams, $24.95
Red Madness: How a Medical Mystery Changed What We Eat. Gail Jarrow. Boyds Mills/Calkins Creek, $16.95
Return of Zita the Spacegirl, The. Ben Hatke. First Second, $18.99 hc; $12.99 pb
Rupert Can Dance. Jules Feiffer. FSG/di Capua, $17.95
Sally Goes to Heaven. Stephen Huneck. Abrams, $18.95
Sam and Dave Dig a Hole. Mac Barnett, illus. by Jon Klassen. Candlewick, $16.99
Santa Clauses: Short Poems from the North Pole. Bob Raczka, illus. by Chuck Groenink. Carolrhoda, $16.95
Saving Lucas Biggs. Marisa de los Santos, illus. by David Teague. HarperCollins, $16.99
Say What You Will. Cammie McGovern. HarperTeen, $17.99
Secret Hum of a Daisy, The. Tracy Holczer. Putnam, $16.99
Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez & Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation. Duncan Tonatiuh. Abrams, $18.95
Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey. Nick Bertozzi. First Second, $16.99 pb
Shoe Dog. Megan McDonald, illus. by Katherine Tillotson. S&S/Atheneum/Jackson, $17.99
Six Feet Over It. Jennifer Longo. Random House, $17.99
Sparky! Jenny Offill, illus. by Chris Appelhans. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $16.99
Starbird Murphy and the World Outside. Karen Finneyfrock. Viking, $17.99
Stella’s Starliner. Rosemary Wells. Candlewick, $15.99
Stepsister’s Tale, The. Tracy Barrett. Harlequin Teen, $16.99
Stories of My Life. Katherine Paterson. Dial, $17.99
Storm Whale, The. Benji Davies. Holt, $16.99
Story of Buildings, The: From the Pyramids to the Sydney Opera House and Beyond. Patrick Dillon, illus. by Stephen Biesty. Candlewick, $19.99
Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, The. Leslye Walton. Candlewick, $17.99
Strike! The Farm Workers’ Fight for Their Rights. Larry Dane Brimner. Boyds Mills/Calkins Creek, $16.95
Stubby the War Dog: The True Story of World War I’s Bravest Dog. Ann Bausum. National Geographic, $17.99
Sway. Kat Spears. St. Martin’s Griffin, $18.99
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel. Sara Farizan. Algonquin, $16.95
Thickety, The: A Path Begins. J.A. White, illus. by Andrea Offermann. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.95
Things You Kiss Goodbye, The. Leslie Connor. HarperCollins/Tegen, $17.99
This Side of Salvation. Jeri Smith-Ready. Simon Pulse, $17.99
Threatened. Eliot Schrefer. Scholastic Press, $17.99
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Jenny Han. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Triangles. David A. Adler, illus. by Edward Miller. Holiday House, $17.95
True Stories (Guys Read). Jon Scieszka et al. Walden Pond, $16.99
Tweedles Go Electric, The. Monica Kulling, illus. by Marie Lafrance. Groundwood (PGW, dist.), $16.95
Tyrant’s Daughter, The. J.C. Carleson. Knopf, $17.99
Unfinished Life of Addison Stone, The. Adele Griffin. Soho Teen, $17.99
Vango: Between Sky and Earth. Timothée de Fombelle, trans. from the French by Sarah Ardizzone. Candlewick, $17.99
Voices from the March on Washington. J. Patrick Lewis and George Ella Lyon. Wordsong, $15.95
Water Can Be… Laura Purdie Salas, illus. by Violeta Dabija. Lerner/Millbrook, $17.95
Weasels. Elys Dolan. Candlewick, $17.99
What’s Your Favorite Animal? Eric Carle and Friends. Holt, $17.99
When Aunt Mattie Got Her Wings. Petra Mathers. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
When I Was the Greatest. Jason Reynolds. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
Whispering Skull, The (Lockwood & Co., Book 2). Jonathan Stroud. Disney, $17.99
Why We Took the Car. Wolfgang Herrndorf, trans. from the German by Tim Mohr. Scholastic/Levine, $17.99
1 to 20, Animals Aplenty. Katie Viggers. PowerHouse/POW! (Random, dist.), $17.95
26-Story Treehouse. Andy Griffiths, illus. by Terry Denton. Feiwel and Friends, $13.99
50 Body Questions: A Book That Spills Its Guts (50 Questions). Tanya Lloyd Kyi, illus. by Ross Kinnaird. Annick, $22.95 hc, $14.95 pb
ACB with Honora Lee, The. Kate De Goldi, illus. by Gregory O’Brien. Tundra, $17.99
Accidental Highwayman, The. Ben Tripp. Tor Teen, $17.99
Accidental Keyhand, The (Ninja Librarians). Jen Swann Downey. Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, $16.99
Actual & Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher, The. Jessica Lawson, illus. by Iacopo Bruno. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Adventures of Beekle, The: The Unimaginary Friend. Dan Santat. Little, Brown, $17
After the End. Amy Plum. HarperTeen, $17.99
Afterlife with Archie, v. 1: Escape from Riverdale. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, illus. by Francesco Francavilla. Archie Comics, $17.99
Albie’s First Word: A Tale Inspired by Albert Einstein’s Childhood. Jacqueline Tourville, illus. by Wynne Evans. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Alice + Freda Forever: A Murder in Memphis. Alexis Coe, illus. by Sally Klann. Zest/Pulp, $16.99
Alice Waters and the Trip to Delicious. Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illus. by Hayelin Choi. Readers to Eaters, $18.95
All Fall Down. Mary Brigid Barrett, illus. by LeUyen Pham. Candlewick, $6.99
All These Broken Angels. Peter Adam Salomon. Llewellyn/Flux, $9.99 pb
Almost Fearless Hamilton Squidlegger, The. Timothy Basil Ering. Candlewick, $16.99
Alone Together. Suzanne Bloom. Boyds Mills, $16.95
Always Emily. Michaela Maccoll. Chronicle, $16.99
Ambassador. William Alexander. S&S/McElderry, $16.99
American Civil War [6 volumes]: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection. ABC-CLIO, $625.00
Anatomy of a Girl Gang. Ashley Little. Arsenal Pulp, $16.95
Anatomy of a Misfit. Andrea Portes. HarperTeen, $17.99
And Two Boys Booed. Judith Viorst, illus. by Sophie Blackall. FSG/Ferguson, $16.99
Animal School: What Class Are You? Michelle Lord, illus. by Michael Garland. Holiday House, $16.95
Anna & Solomon. Elaine Snyder, illus. by Harry Bliss. FSG/Ferguson, $17.99
Anna Carries Water. Olive Senior. Tradewind, $18.95
Any Questions? Marie-Louise Gay. Groundwood, $19.95
Anybody Shining. Frances O’Roark Dowell. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Ariol, v.4: A Beautiful Cow. Emmanuel Guibert, illus. by Marc Boutavant. Papercutz, $12.99 pb
Art of Secrets, The. James Klise. Algonquin, $17.95
Ask Me. Kimberly Pauley. Soho Teen, $17.99
At the Same Moment, Around the World. Clotilde Perrin. Chronicle, $17.99
Audrey (Cow). Dan Bar-el. Tundra, $19.99
Avalon. Mindee Arnett. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
B Is for Box: The Happy Little Yellow Box. David A. Carter. Little Simon, $12.99
Baby Animal Farm. Karen Blair. Candlewick, $6.99
Baby Pig Pig Talks. David McPhail. Charlesbridge, $6.95
Bad Kitty Drawn to Trouble. Nick Bruel. Roaring Brook, $13.99
Bad Luck Girl (American Fairy Trilogy 3). Sarah Zettel. Random House, $17.99
Bambino and Me, The (with CD). Zachary Hyman, illus. by Zachary Pullen, read by Jason Alexander. Tundra, $17.99
Baseball Is. Louise Borden, illus. by Raul Colon. S&S/McElderry, $17.99
Batman ’66, v. 1. Jeff Parker, illus. by Richard Case. DC Comics, $19.99 hc, $14.99 pb
Bats in the Band. Brian Lies. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Be Patient, Pandora! Joan Holub, illus. by Leslie Patricelli. Abrams Appleseed, $6.95
Beautiful Moon: A Child’s Prayer. Tonya Bolden, illus. by Eric Velasquez. Abrams, $16.95
Beauty and the Beast. H. Chuku Lee, illus. by Pat Cummings. HarperCollins/Amistad, $17.99
Bedtime for Chickies. Janee Trasler. HarperFestival, $8.99
Before After. Matthias Arégui, illus. by Anne-Margot Ramstein. Candlewick, $19.99
Benny and Penny in Lost and Found! Geoffrey Hayes. (Candlewick/Toon, $12.95
Betty Bunny Wants a Goal. Michael B. Kaplan, illus. by Stéphane Jorisch. Dial, $16.99
Between Two Worlds. Katherine Kirkpatrick. Random/Lamb, $16.99
Beyond the Door. Maureen Doyle McQuerry. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
Big Bad Bubble. Adam Rubin, illus. by Daniel Salmieri. Clarion, $16.99
Big Book of Slumber, The. Giovanna Zoboli, trans. from the Italian by Antony Shugaar, illus. by Simona Mulazzani. Eerdmans, $16
Big Fat Disaster. Beth Fehlbaum. Merit Press, $17.99
Blizzard. John Rocco. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99
Bluebird. Lindsey Yankey. Simply Read, $17.95
Bombay Blues. Tanuja Desai Hidier. Scholastic/Push, $18.99
Book of Babies, A. Il Sung Na. Knopf, $15.99
Book With No Pictures. B.J. Novak. Dial, $17.99
Boom Snot Twitty. Doreen Cronin, illus. by Renata Liwska. Viking, $16.99
Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation. Sally M. Walker. Candlewick, $24.99
Boy on the Edge. Fridrik Erlings. Candlewick, $16.99
Boys of Blur. N.D. Wilson. Random House, $16.99
Bracelet of Bones. Kevin Crossley-Holland. Quercus, $16.99
Breathe, Annie, Breathe. Miranda Kenneally. Sourcebooks Fire, $16.99
Breathe. Scott Magoon. Simon & Schuster/Wiseman, $16.99
Bridge. Patrick Jones. Lerner/Darby Creek, $7.95 pb
Bubbe’s Belated Bat Mitzvah. Isabel Pinson, illus. by Valeria Cis. Kar-Ben, $17.95
Buddy Trouble (Tony Baloney). Pam Muñoz Ryan, illus. by Edwin Fotheringham. Scholastic Press, $6.99
Bugged!: How Insects Changed History. Sarah Albee, illus. by Robert Leighton. Walker, $23.89 hc, $17.99 pb
Busy Bunny Days: In the Town, On the Farm & At the Port. Britta Teckentrup. Chronicle, $17.99
Buzz Kill. Beth Fantaskey. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Cake, The. Dorothée de Monfried, trans. from the French by Linda Burgess. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $17.95
Call Me by My Name. John Ed Bradley. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Call Me Tree / Llame Arbol. Maya Christina Gonzalez. Connections Book Publishing, $19.95
Can You See Me? Ted Lewin. Holiday House, $14.95
Captured World History Series. Don Nardo and Michael Burgan. Capstone/Compass Point, $35.80
Carnival at Bray, The. Jessie Ann Foley. Elephant Rock, $12.95 pb
Case of the Vanishing Little Brown Bats, The: A Scientific Mystery. Sandra Markle. Lerner/Millbrook, $29.27
Casquette Girls, The. Alys Arden. FortheARTofit Publishing, $3.99 e-book
Cast Away on the Letter A: A Philemon Adventure (a Toon Graphic). Fred. Candlewick/Toon, $16.95
Cat Says Meow: And Other Animalopoeia. Michael Arndt. Chronicle, $12.99
Centaur Rising. Jane Yolen. Holt/Ottaviano, $15.99
Changers Book One: Drew. T Cooper and Allison Glock-Cooper. Akashic/Black Sheep, $11.95 trade paper.
Chengdu Could Not, Would Not, Fall Asleep. Barney Saltzberg. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Chik Chak Shabbat. Mara Rockliff, illus. by Kyrsten Brooker. Candlewick, $15.99
Chu’s First Day of School. Neil Gaiman, illus. by Adam Rex. Harper, $17.99
Chukfi Rabbit’s Big, Bad Bellyache: A Trickster Tale. Greg Rodgers, illus. by Leslie Widener. Cinco Puntos Press, $16.95 hc, $7.95 pb
Color Book, The. Sophie Benini Pietromarchi, trans. from the Italian by Guido Lagomarsino. Tara (PGW, dist.), $21.95
Copernicus Legacy, The: The Forbidden Stone. Tony Abbott. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99
Construction. Sally Sutton, illus. by Brian Lovelock. Candlewick, $15.99
Conversion. Katherine Howe. Putnam, $18.99
Copper Magic. Julia Mary Gibson. Amazon/Starscape, $16.99
Count on the Subway. Paul Dubois Jacobs and Jennifer Swender, illus. by Dan Yaccarino. Knopf, $14.99
Counting on Letters: From A to Z and 1 to 26. Mark Gonyea. PowerHouse/POW! (Random, dist.), $10.95
Courage for Beginners. Karen Harrington. Little, Brown, $17
Crabby Crab. Chris Raschka. Abrams, $6.95
Creature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Tell Us Why They Look the Way They Do. Steve Jenkins. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Cress. Marissa Meyer. Feiwel and Friends, $18.99
Cured. Bethany Wiggins. Walker & Co., $17.99
Curiosity. Gary Blackwood. Dial, $16.99
D-Day. Rick Atkinson. Holt, $18.99
Dalia’s Wondrous Hair / El Cabello Maravilloso de Dalia. Laura Lacamara. Arte Publico/Piñata, $17.95
Dandelion’s Tale, The. Kevin Sheehan, illus. by Rob Dunlavey. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $16.99
Dappled Annie and the Tigrish. Mary McCallum, illus. by Annie Hayward. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $16.95
Day My Father Became a Bush, The. Joke Van Leeuwen. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $16.95
Death Sworn. Leah Cypress. Greenwillow, $17.99
Death-Struck Year, A. Makiia Lucier. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Digger Dog. William Bee, illus. by Cecilia Johannson. Candlewick/Nosy Crow, $14.99
Dinosaur vs. School. Bob Shea. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Dirt Bikes, Drones, and Other Ways to Fly. Conrad Wesselhoeft. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Dirty Wings. Sarah McCarry. St. Martin’s Griffin, $19.99
Disasters and Tragic Events: An Encyclopedia of Catastrophes in American History. 2 vols. Mitchell Newton-Matza, ed. ABC-CLIO, $189
Divided We Fall. Trent Reedy. Scholastic/Levine, $17.99
Do Your Laundry or You’ll Die Alone: Advice Your Mom Would Give If She Thought You Were Listening. Becky Blades. Startistry, $13.99 pb
Does This Happen to Everyone? A Budding Adult’s Guide to Puberty. Jan von Holleben and Antje Helms, trans. from the German by Jan Metcalf. Little Gestalten (Prestel, dist.), $24.95
Dog vs. Cat. Chris Gall. Little, Brown, $17.
Doll People Set Sail, The. Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin, illus. by Brett Helquist. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99
Don’t Let Go (Don’t Turn Around 3). Michelle Gagnon. HarperCollins, $17.99
Don’t Even Think About It. Sarah Mlynowski. Delacorte, $17.99
Doubt Factory, The. Paolo Bacigalupi. Little, Brown, $18
Dragon & the Knight, The: A Pop-Up Misadventure. Robert Sabuda. S&S/Little Simon, $29.99
Dragon’s Extraordinary Egg. Debi Gliori. Bloomsbury, $16.99
Dreamwood. Heather Mackey. Putnam, $16.99
Dumbest Idea Ever, The! Jimmy Gownley. Graphix, $24.99 hc; $11.99 pb
Dyerville Tales, The. M.P. Kozlowsky, illus. by Brian Thompson. HarperCollins/Walden Pond, $16.99
E-I-E-I-O!: How Old MacDonald Got His Farm with a Little Help from a Hen. Judy Sierra, illus. by Matthew Myers. Candlewick, $16.99
Early Bird. Toni Yuly. Feiwel and Friends, $15.99
Earth Star. Janet Edwards. Pyr, $17.99
Eerie Dearies: 26 Ways to Miss School. Rebecca Chaperon. Simply Read (Ingram, dist.), $19.95
Elsa and the Night. Jöns Mellgren, trans. from the Swedish by Anita Shenoi. Little Gestalten (Prestel, dist.), $19.95
Empress of the Sun (Everness). Ian McDonald. Pyr, $17.99
End or Something Like That, The. Ann Dee Ellis. Dial, $17.99
Eugene Bullard: World’s First Black Fighter Pilot. Larry Greenly. NewSouth, $19.95
Even in Paradise. Chelsey Philpot. Harper, $17.99
Every Last Drop: Bringing Clean Water Home (Orca Footprints). Michelle Mulder. Orca, $19.95
Everything Leads to You. Nina LaCour. Dutton, $17.99
Exquisite Captive (Dark Caravan). Heather Demetrios. HarperTeen/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
Fake ID. L.R. Giles. HarperCollins/Amistad, $17.99
Fall, The. Bethany Griffin. Greenwillow, $17.99
Fantasy League. Mike Lupica. Philomel, $17.99
Farmer’s Away, The! Baa! Neigh! Anne Vittur Kennedy. Candlewick, $15.99
Fat & Bones: And Other Stories. Larissa Theule, illus. by Adam S. Doyle. Carolrhoda, $16.95
Feathers: Not Just for Flying. Melissa Stewart, illlus. by Sarah S. Brannen. Charlesbridge, $17.95
Feral. Holly Schindler. HarperTeen, $17.99
Fiendish. Brenna Yovanoff. Razorbill, $17.99
File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents. Lemony Snicket, illus. by Seth. Little, Brown, $12
Finisher, The. David Baldacci. Scholastic, $17.99
Firebird. Misty Copeland. Putnam, $17.99
Firebug. Lish McBride. Henry Holt, $17.99
Five Trucks. Brian Floca. S&S/Atheneum/Richard Jackson, $17.99
Flame (Sky Chasers 3). Amy Kathleen Ryan. St. Martin’s Griffin, $18.99
Flora and the Penguin. Molly Idle. Chronicle, $16.99
Florence Nightingale. Demi. Henry Holt, $17.99
Folktales Aloud: Practical Advice for Playful Storytelling. Janice M. Del Negro. ALA Editions, $47
Following the Tractor. Susan Steggall. Frances Lincoln, $17.99
Found. Salina Yoon. Walker, $14.99
Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies. Cokie Roberts, illus. by Diane Goode. HarperCollins, $17.99
Four Seasons of Lucy McKenzie, The. Kirsty Murray. Allen & Unwin, $9.99
Fox and the Crow, The. Manasi Subramaniam, illus. by Culpeo S. Fox. Karadi Tales (Consortium, dist.), $17.95
Fractions in Disguise: A Math Adventure. Edward Einhorn, illus. by David Clark. Charlesbridge, $16.95
Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor. Jon Scieszka, illus. by Brian Biggs. Abrams/Amulet, $13.95
Friends for Freedom: The Story of Susan B. Anthony & Frederick Douglass. Suzanne Slade, illus. by Nicole Tadgell. Charlesbridge, $16.95
Friendship Over (Top Secret Diary of Celie Valentine, Book 1). Julie Sternberg, illus. by Johanna Wright. Boyds Mills, $15.95
Froodle. Antoinette Portis. Roaring Brook/Porter, $16.99
Frostborn. Lou Anders. Crown, $16.99
Galápagos George. Jean Craighead George, illus. by Wendell Minor. Harper, $15.99
Game Slaves. Gard Skinner. HMH, $16.99
Gandhi: My Life Is My Message (Campfire Graphic Novels). Jason Quinn, illus. by Naresh Kumar. Campfire, $16.99
Garden (You Are My Baby). Lorena Siminovich. Chronicle, $8.99 board book
Geese March in Step, The. Jean-Francois Dumont. Eerdmans, $16
Geography of You and Me, The. Jennifer E. Smith. Little, Brown, $18
Gift for Mama, A. Linda Ravin Lodding, illus. by Alison Jay. Knopf, $17.99
Girl Defective. Simmone Howell. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
Girl from the Tar Paper School, The: Barbara Rose Johns and the Advent of the Civil Rights Movement. Teri Kanefield. Abrams, $19.95.
Girl from the Well, The. Rin Chupeco. Sourcebooks Fire, $16.99
Girl in Reverse. Barbara Stuber. S&S/McElderry, $17.99
Go to Sleep, Little Farm. Mary Lyn Ray, illus. by Christopher Silas Neal. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Go! Go! Go! Stop! Charise Mericle Harper. Knopf, $16.99
Good Home for Max, A. Junzo Terada. Chronicle, $16.99
Good Sister, The. Jamie Kain. St. Martin’s Griffin, $18.99
Grandmaster. David Klass. FSG/Foster, $16.99
Great American Documents, The, v.1: 1620-1830. Ruth Ashby, illus. by Ernie Colon. Hill & Wang, $40 hc, $20 pb
Great Big Green, The. Peggy Gifford, illus. by Lisa Desimini. Boyds Mills, $15.95
Green Is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors. Roseanne Greenfield Thong. Chronicle, $16.99
Grudge Keeper, The. Mara Rockliff, illus. by Eliza Wheeler. Peachtree, $16.95
Guy in Real Life. Steve Brezenoff. HarperTeen/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
Half Life of Molly Pierce, The. Katrina Leno. HarperTeen, $17.99
Halley. Faye Gibbons. New South, $21.95
Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey. Loree Griffin Burns, photos by Ellen Harasimowicz. Lerner/Millbrook, $29.26.
Hank Has a Dream. Rebecca Dudley. Peter Pauper, $16.99
Have You Seen My Dragon? Steve Light. Candlewick, $16.99
He Laughed with His Other Mouths (Pals in Peril Tale). M.T. Anderson, illus. by Kurt Cyrus. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Help! We Need a Title! Hervé Tullet. Candlewick, $16.99
Henny. Elizabeth Rose Stanton. S&S/Wiseman, $16.99
Here Comes Destructosaurus. Aaron Reynolds, illus. by Jeremy Tankard. Chronicle, $16.99
Here Comes Santa Cat. Deborah Underwood, illus. by Claudia Rueda. Dial, $16.99
Hero’s Guide to Being an Outlaw, The (Hero’s Guide 3). Christopher Healy, illus. by Todd Harris. Walden Pond, $16.99
Hidden: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust. Loic Dauvillier, illus. by Marc Lizano, trans. by Alexis Siegel, inked by Greg Salsedo. First Second, $16.99
Highest Number in the World, The. Roy MacGregor, illus. by Geneviève Després. Tundra, $17.99
Hilda and the Black Hound. Luke Pearson. Flying Eye, $24
Home for Mr. Emerson, A. Barbara Kerley, illus. by Edwin Fotheringham. Scholastic Press, $18.99
Hook’s Revenge. Heidi Schulz, illus. by John Hendrix. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Hooves of Fire (Minnie and Moo). Denys Cazet. Creston Books, $15.95
Hope is a Ferris Wheel. Robin Herrera. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
How Does My Garden Grow? Gerda Muller, trans. from French by Polly Lawson. Floris, $17.95
How the Meteorite Got to the Museum. Jessie Hartland. Blue Apple (Random, dist.), $17.99.
How to be a Dinosaur Hunter: Your Globe-Trotting, Time-Traveling Guide. Scott Forbes, illus. by James Gulliver Hancock. Lonely Planet, $17.99
How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied. Jess Keating. Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, $7.99 pb
Hula-Hoopin’ Queen, The. Thelma Lynne Godin, illus. by Vanessa Brantley-Newton. Lee & Low, $18.95
Hundred Horses, A. Sarah Lean. HarperCollins, $16.99
Hunt for the Bamboo Rat. Graham Salisbury. Random/Lamb, $16.99
I Am a Witch’s Cat. Harriet Muncaster. Harper, $15.99
I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo! Jill Esbaum, illus. by Gus Gordon. Dial, $16.99
I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World. Malala Yousafzai with Patricia McCormick. Little, Brown, $17
I Am Otter. Sam Garton. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, $16.99
I Can Do It Myself. Valorie Fisher. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Dreidel. Caryn Yacowitz, illus. by David Slonim. Scholastic/Levine, $16.99
I Lived on Butterfly Hill. Marjorie Agosin, illus. by Lee White. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
I Wish I Had a Pet. Maggie Rudy. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
I’m a Dirty Dinosaur. Janeen Brian, illus. by Ann James. Kane/Miller, $11.99
I’m My Own Dog. David Ezra Stein. Candlewick, $15.99
Ice Whale. Jean Craighead George, illus. by John Hendrix. Dial, $17.99
If I Had a Raptor. George O’Connor. Candlewick, $15.99
If It Rains Pancakes: Haiku and Lantern Poems (Poetry Adventures). Brian P. Cleary, illus. by Andy Rowland. Lerner/Millbrook, $6.95
If Kids Ran the World. Leo and Diane Dillon. Scholastic/Blue Sky, $18.99
If You’re Reading This. Trent Reedy. Scholastic/Levine, $16.99
Illusive. Emily Lloyd-Jones. Little, Brown, $18
In Real Life. Cory Doctorow, illus. by Jen Wang. First Second, $16.99 pb
In the Fast Lane (Digby O’Day Book 2). Shirley Hughes, illus. by Clara Vulliamy. Candlewick, $12.99
In the Rainforest. Kate Duke. Harper, $17.99
In the Shadows. Kiersten White, illus. by Jim Di Bartolo. Scholastic, $21.99
Infinite Sky. C.J. Flood. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
Inland. Kat Rosenfield. Dutton, $17.99
Into the Grey. Celine Kiernan. Candlewick, $16.99
Irene’s Wish. Jerdine Nolen, illlus. By A.G. Ford. S&S/Wiseman, $17.99
Iron Trial, The. Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. Scholastic Press, $17.99
Isabel’s War. Lila Perl. Ig/Skurnick (Consortium, dist.), $12.95 pb
Isla and the Happily Ever After. Stephanie Perkins. Dutton, $17.99
Islands of Chaldea. Diana Wynne Jones, completed by Ursula Jones. Greenwillow, $17.99
It All Started With a Bicycle. Plum McCauley. Outskirts Press, $11.95 pb
It’s an Orange Aardvark! Michael Hall. Greenwillow, $17.99
Jack. Tomie dePaola. Penguin/Paulsen, $17.99
Jackaby. William Ritter. Algonquin, $16.95
Jasper John Dooley: Not in Love. Caroline Adderson. Kids Can, $15.95
Jesus Jackson. James Daley. Poisoned Pencil, $10.95 pb
Jewel, The. Amy Ewing. HarperTeen, $17.99
Jinx’s Magic. Sage Blackwood. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99
Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio. Jonah Winter, illus. by James Ransome. S&S/Atheneum, $17.99
Joseph Fipps. Nadine Robert, trans. from the French by Claudia Bedrick, illus. by Geneviève Godbout. Enchanted Lion (Consortium, dist.), $16.95
Jubilee! One Man’s Big, Bold, and Very, Very Loud Celebration of Peace. Alicia Potter, illus. by Matt Tavares. Candlewick, $16.99
Killing Woods, The. Lucy Christopher. Scholastic/Chicken House, $17.99
Kiss Kill Vanish. Jessica Martinez. HarperCollins/Tegen, $17.99
Knockout Games. G. Neri. Carolrhoda, $17.95
Kung POW Chicken #1: Let’s Get Cracking! (a Branches Book). Cyndi Marko. Scholastic, $4.99 pb, $15.99 hc
Lantern Sam and the Blue Streak Bandits. Michael D. Beil. Knopf, $15.99
Last Sister, The. Courtney McKinney-Whitaker. University of South Carolina/Young Palmetto, $39.95 hc, $19/95 pb
Last Wild, The. Piers Torday. Viking, $16.99
Last-but-Not-Least Lola and the Wild Chicken. Christine Pakkala, illus. by Paul Hoppe. Boyds Mills, $15.95
Laughing at My Nightmare. Shane Burcaw. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood. James McMullan. Algonquin, $19.95
Leo Geo and the Cosmic Crisis/Matt Data and the Cosmic Crisis. Jon Chad. Roaring Brook, $16.99
Leroy Ninker Saddles Up. Kate DiCamillo, illus. by Chris Van Dusen. Candlewick, $12.99
Life and Times of Benny Alvarez, The. Peter Johnson. Harper, $16.99
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake. Julie Sternberg, illus. by Matthew Cordell. Abrams/Amulet, $14.95
Like No Other. Una LaMarche. Razorbill, $17.99
Lion in Paris, A. Beatrice Alemagna. Tate, $19.95
Lion Who Stole My Arm, The. Nicola Davies, illus. by Annabel Wright. Candlewick, $14.99
Little Humans. Brandon Stanton. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $17.99
Little Lola. Julie Saab, illus. by David Gothard. Greenwillow, $16.99
Little Man. Elizabeth Mann. Mikaya Press, $18.95
Little Women Christmas, A. Heather Vogel Frederick, illus. by Bagram Ibatoulline. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: 1811-1812 Discovered by Marcia Williams. Marcia Williams. Candlewick, $16.99
Looking for Jack Kerouac. Barbara Shoup. Engine/Lacewing (Consortium, dist.), $14.95
Love Is the Drug. Alaya Dawn Johnson. Scholastic/Levine, $17.99
Love Letters to the Dead. Ava Dellaira. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $17.99
Lucky. David Mackintosh. Abrams, $17.95
Lucy Lick-Me-Not and the Day Eaters. Claudine Carmel, illus. by Bret Burkmar. Createspace, $10.99 pb
Magic Trap, The (Lemonade War 5). Jacqueline Davies. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $15.99
Malala Yousafzai and the Girls of Pakistan. David Aretha. Morgan Reynolds, $27.45
Manger. Lee Bennett Hopkins, illus. by Helen Cann. Eerdmans, $16
Maps and Geography. Ken Jennings, illus. by Mike Lowery. Little Simon, $18.99 hc, $7.99 pb
Matilda’s Cat. Emily Gravett. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Matter of Souls, A. Denise Lewis Patrick. Carolrhoda, $16.95
May the Stars Drip Down. Jeremy Chatelain, illus. by Nikki McClure. Abrams, $17.95
Meaniehead. Bruce Eric Kaplan. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Meet the Parents. Peter Bently, illus. by Sara Ogilvie. S&S/Wiseman, $17.99
Mermaid and the Shoe, The. K.G. Campbell. Kids Can, $16.95
Midnight Library, The. Kohara Kazuno. Roaring Brook, $16.99
Miles to the Finish. Jamie Harper. Candlewick, $12.99
Millie Fierce Sleeps Out. Jane Manning. Philomel, $16.99
Minion. John David Anderson. HarperCollins/Walden Pond, $16.99
Moldylocks and the Three Bears (Princess Pink and the Land of Fake-Believe #1). Noah Z. Jones. Scholastic, $15.99
Mom for Umande, A. Maria Faulconer, illus. by Susan Kathleen Hartung. Dial, $16.99
Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend. Karen Stanton. Feiwel and Friends, $16.99
Monsterator, The. Keith Graves. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress. Christine Baldacchino, illus. by Isabelle Malenfant. Groundwood, $16.95
Mortal Danger. Ann Aguirre. Feiwel and Friends, $17.99
Mortal Heart. Robin LaFevers. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Most Magnificent Thing, The. Ashley Spires. Kids Can, $16.95
Mountain of Friends, A. Kerstin Schoene, trans. by Natalie Hyde. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, $18.95
Moví la mano / I Moved My Hand. Jorge Luján, trans. from the Spanish by Elisa Amado, illus. by Mandana Sadat. Groundwood/House of Anansi, $18.95
Mr. Ferris and His Wheel. Kathryn Gibbs Davis, illus. by Gilbert Ford. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Mr. Frank. Irene Luxbacher. Groundwood, $18.95
Mumbet’s Declaration of Independence. Gretchen Woelfle, illus. by Alix Delinois. Lerner/Carolrhoda, $17.95
Museum of Intangible Things, The. Wendy Wunder. Razorbill, $17.99
My Heart is Laughing. Rose Lagercrantz, illus. by Eva Eriksson. Gecko Press USA (Lerner, dist.), $16.95
My New Friend is So Fun! Mo Willems. Hyperion, $8.99
Nana in the City. Lauren Castillo. Clarion, $16.99
Naptime. Iris de Moüy, trans. from the French by Shelley Tanaka. Groundwood (PGW, dist.), $16.95
Nearly Gone. Elle Cosimano. Penguin/Dawson, $17.99
Nest. Jorey Hurley. S & S/Wiseman, $16.99
Never Say a Mean Word Again: A Tale from Medieval Spain. Jacqueline Jules, illus. by Durga Yael Bernhard. Wisdom Tales, $16.95
New Kid. Tim Green. HarperCollins, $16.99
Next Wave, The: The Quest to Harness the Power of the Oceans (Scientists in the Field). Elizabeth Rusch. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $18.99
Next. Kevin Waltman. Cinco Puntos, $16.95 hc, $11.95 pb.
Night Sky (Dangerous Destiny 01). Melanie Brockmann and Suzanne Brockmann. Sourcebooks Fire, $16.99
Night Sky Dragons. Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham, illus. by Patrick Benson. Candlewick, $15.99
No Nap! Yes Nap! Margie Palatini, illus. by Dan Yaccarino. Little, Brown, $17.
Nocturne: Creatures of the Night. Traer Scott. Princeton Architectural Press (Chronicle, dist.), $19.95
Norman, Speak! Caroline Adderson, illus. by Qin Leng. Groundwood, $17.95
Not My Girl. Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, illus. by Gabrielle Grimard. Annick Press, $21.95 hc, $9.95 pb
Not Very Scary. Carol Brendler, illus. by Greg Pizzoli. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $12.99
Oblivion. Sasha Dawn. Egmont USA, $17.99
Odd, Weird & Little. Patrick Jennings. Egmont USA, $15.99
Okay, Andy! Maxwell Eaton III. Blue Apple (Random, dist.), $12.99
Olive and the Embarrassing Gift. Tor Freeman. Candlewick/Templar, $15.99
Oliver’s Tree. Kit Chase. Putnam, $16.99
On a Clear Day. Walter Dean Myers. Crown, $17.99
On My Way to School. Sarah Maizes, illus. by Michael Paraskevas. Walker & Co., $16.99
On Two Feet and Wings. Abbas Kazerooni. Skyscape, $16.99 hc, $9.99 pb
Once Upon an Alphabet: Short Stories for All the Letters. Oliver Jeffers. Philomel, $26.99
One Big Pair of Underwear. Laura Gehl, illus. by Tom Lichtenheld. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
One Busy Day: A Story for Big Brothers and Sisters. Lola M. Schaefer, illus. by Jessica Meserve. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Only Thing Worse Than Witches, The. Lauren Magaziner. Dial, $16.99
Orange, Triangle, Fox. Sarah Jones. Blue Manatee (IPG, dist.), $7.99
Other Way Around, The. Sashi Kaufman. Carolrhoda/Lab, $17.95
Outside the Box. Karma Wilson. S&S/McElderry, $17.99
Over Easy. Mimi Pond. Drawn & Quarterly, $24.95
P.K. Pinkerton and the Pistol-Packing Widows. Caroline Lawrence. Putnam, $16.99
Pack of Dorks. Beth Vrabel. Sky Pony, $15.95
Paint Me a Monster. Janie Baskin. Scarlet Voyage, $18.95
Panic. Lauren Oliver. HarperCollins, $17.99
Paper Airplanes. Dawn O’Porter. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
Paper Cowboy, The. Kristin Levine. Putnam, $16.99
Park Scientists: Gila Monsters, Geysers, and Grizzly Bears in America’s Own Backyard. Mary Kay Carson. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $18.99
Paul Meets Bernadette. Rosy Lamb. Candlewick, $14
Peek-A-Boo Bunny. Holly Surplice. HarperCollins, $9.99
Penguin in Peril. Helen Hancocks. Candlewick/Templar, $15.99
Pieces of Me. Amber Kizer. Delacorte, $16.99
Pig Kahuna Pirates! Jennifer Sattler. Bloomsbury, $16.99
Planet Kindergarten. Sue Ganz-Schmitt, illus. by Shane Prigmore. Chronicle, $16.99
Poem-Mobiles: Crazy Car Poems. J. Patrick Lewis and Douglas Florian, illus. by Jeremy Holmes. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Pointe. Brandy Colbert. Putnam, $17.99
Pomelo’s Big Adventure. Ramona Badescu, illus. by Benjamin Chaud. Enchanted Lion, $17.95
Poor Doreen: A Fishy Tale. Sally Lloyd-Jones, illus. by Alexandrea Boiger. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
Presto Change-o! A Book of Animal Magic. Édouard Manceau. Twirl (Chronicle, dist.), $16.99
Prince of Shadows: A Novel of Romeo and Juliet. Rachel Caine. New American Library, $17.99
Prisoner of Night and Fog. Anne Blankman. HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
Promise, The. Nicola Davies, illus. by Laura Carlin. Candlewick, $16.99
Puss & Boots. Adapted and illus. by Ayano Imai, trans. from the Japanese by Sayako Uchida. Minedition, $17.99
Quarantine: The Burnouts. Thomas Lex. Egmont USA, $17.99
Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons. Alice B. McGinty, illus. by Jennifer Black Reinhardt. Charlesbridge, $17.95
Rafa Was My Robot. Alexandra Dellevoet, illus. by Ken Turner. Annick, $19.95 hc, $9.95 pb
Rebel Belle. Rachel Hawkins. Putnam, $17.99
Remy and Lulu. Kevin Hawkes, illus. by Kevin Hawkes and Hannah E. Harrison. Knopf, $17.99
Ribblestrop. Andy Mulligan. Si&S/Beach Lane, $16.99
Rites of Passage. Joy N. Hensley. HarperTeen, $17.99
River, The. Alessandro Sanna, illus. by Michael Reynolds. Enchanted Lion, $22.95
Riverman, The. Aaron Starmer. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $15.99
Roller Derby Rivals. Sue Macy, illus. by Matt Collins. Holiday House, $16.95
Rookie Yearbook Two. Ed. By Tavi Gevinson. Drawn & Quarterly, $29.95
Ruin and Rising (Grisha Trilogy 3). Leigh Bardugo. Holt, $18.99
Rutherford B., Who Was He? Poems About Our Presidents. Marilyn Singer, illus. by John Hendrix. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99
Say Hello Like This! Mary Murphy. Candlewick, $12.99
Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place, The. Julie Berry. Roaring Brook, $15.99
Scar Boys, The. Len Vlahos. Egmont USA, $17.99
Sea Turtle Scientist (Scientists in the Field). Stephen Swinburne. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $18.99
Secret Sky, The: A Novel of Forbidden Love in Afghanistan. Atia Abawi. Philomel, $17.99
Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea, The: The Story of Annaliese Easterling & Throckmorton, Her Simply Remarkable Sock Monkey. Eileen Beha, illus. by Sarah Jane Wright. S&S/Beach Lane, $16.99
Secrets of the Seasons: Orbiting the Sun in Our Backyard. Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld, illus. by Priscilla Lamont. Knopf, $16.99
Secrets of the Sky Caves: Danger and Discovery on Nepal’s Mustang Cliff. Sandra K. Athans. Lerner/Millbrook, $33.27
Sekret. Lindsay Smith. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Send for a Superhero! Michael Rosen, illus. by Katharine McEwen. Candlewick, $16.99
Serpent’s Curse, The (The Copernicus Legacy). Tony Abbott, illus. by Bill Perkins. HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99
Share. Sally Anne Garland. Owlkids, $16.95
Shattered Veil. Tracy E. Banghart. CreateSpace, $15.99
Shibboleth, The. John Hornor Jacobs. Carolrhoda/Lab, $17.95
Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal. Margarita Engle. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Silver. Chris Wooding. Scholastic Press, $17.99
Simon and the Bear: A Hanukkah Tale. Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Matthew Trueman. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Skink—No Surrender. Carl Hiaasen. Knopf, $18.99
Sky Raiders. Brandon Mull. S&S/Aladdin, $16.99
Sleepover with Beatrice and Bear. Mônica Carnesi. Penguin/Paulsen, $15.99
Sleepyheads. Sandra J. Howatt, illus. by Joyce Wan. S&S/Beach Lane, $16.99
Sleuth on Skates. Clémentine Beauvais, illus. by Sarah Horne. Holiday House, $16.95
Sniffer Dogs: How Dogs (and Their Noses) Save the World. Nancy F. Castaldo. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Some Bugs. Angela DiTerlizzi, illus. by Brendan Wenzel. S&S/Beach Lane, $17.99
Song of the Golden Hare, The. Jackie Morris. Frances Lincoln, $18.99
Sophie’s Terrible Twos. Rosemary Wells. Viking, $16.99
Sound of Letting Go, The. Stasia Ward Kehoe. Viking, $17.99
Sound of Thunder, The (Bigfoot Boy 03). J. Torres, illus. by Faith Erin Hicks. Kids Can, $17.95
Space Case (Moon Base Alpha). Stuart Gibbs. Simon & Schuster, $16.99
Sparkers. Eleanor Glewwe. Viking, $16.99
Spinoza: The Outcast Thinker. Devra Lehmann. Namelos, $22.95 hc, $14.95 pb
Sprout Helps Out. Rosie Winstead. Dial, $16.99
Star Bright: A Christmas Story. Alison McGhee, illus. by Peter H. Reynolds. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99
Star Child. Claire A. Nivola. FSG/Foster, $16.99
Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos. Stephanie Roth Sisson. Roaring Brook, $17.99
Steering Toward Normal. Rebecca Petruck. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
Storm (Sylo 2). D.J. MacHale. Razorbill, $17.99
Stranger. Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith. Viking, $18.99
Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents MacBeth, The. Ian Lendler, illus. by Zack Giallongo. First Second, $12.99 pb
Streak, The: How Joe DiMaggio Became America’s Hero. Barb Rosenstock, illus. by Terry Widener. Boyds Mills/Calkins Creek, $16.95
Sugar Hill: Harlem’s Historic Neighborhood. Carole Boston Weatherford, illus. by R. Gregory Christie. Albert Whitman, $16.99
Summer at the Z House. Holly Zanville, illus. by Jon Stommel, trans. by Travis Czekalski. Createspace, $9.50
Summer I Saved the World, The … in 65 Days. Michele Weber Hurwitz. Random/Lamb, $16.99
Summoning the Phoenix: Poems and Prose About Chinese Musical Instruments. Emily Jiang, illus. by April Chu. Shen’s Books, $18.95
Sunrise (Ashfall 3). Mike Mullin. Tanglewood, $17.99
Superworm. Julia Donaldson, illus. by Axel Scheffler. Scholastic/Levine, $16.99
Surprise. Mies van Hout. Lemniscaat USA, $17.95
Swallow, The: A Ghost Story. Charis Cotter. Tundra, $19.99
Swim, Duck, Swim! Susan Lurie, photographs by Murray Head. Feiwel and Friends, $16.99
Take Away the A. Michael Escoffier, illus. by Kris Di Giacomo. Enchanted Lion, $17.95
Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina. Michaela and Elaine DePrince. Knopf, $16.99
Tap Tap Boom Boom. Elizabeth Bluemle, illus. by G. Brian Karas. Candlewick, $16.99
Teen Spirit. Francesca Lia Block. HarperTeen, $17.99
Telephone. Mac Barnett, illus. by Jen Corace. Chronicle, $16.99
Tesla’s Attic. Neal Shusterman and Eric Elfman. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99
Thank You, God. J. Bradley Wigger, illus. by Jago. Eerdmans, $16
Thank You, Octopus. Darren Farrell. Dial, $16.99
There Will Be Bears. Ryan Gebhart. Candlewick, $16.99
There Will Come a Time. Carrie Arcos. Simon Pulse, $17.99
Three Little Peas. Marine Rivoal. Enchanted Lion, $16.95
Tickle. Leslie Patricelli. Candlewick, $6.99
Time for Bed, Fred! Yasmeen Ismail. Walker & Co., $14.99
Tiptop Cat. Roger Mader. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir. Liz Prince. Zest, $15.99 pb
Tree House That Jack Built, The. Bonnie Verburg, illus. by Mark Teague. Scholastic/Orchard, $17.99
Trouble. Non Pratt. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
Tsarina. J. Nelle Patrick. Razorbill, $17.99
Turtle Island. Kevin Sherry. Dial, $16.99
Turtle of Oman, The. Naomi Shihab Nye. Greenwillow, $16.99
Twelve Days of Christmas, The. LeUyen Pham. Doubleday, $17.99
Twelve Minutes to Midnight. Christopher Edge. Albert Whitman, $16.99
Twins’ Little Sister, The. Hyewon Yum. FSG/Foster, $17.99
Two Bunny Buddies. Kathryn O. Galbraith, illus. by Joe Cepeda. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Two Girls Staring at the Ceiling. Lucy Frank. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $16.99
Two Little Birds. Mary Newell DePalma. Eerdmans, $16
Two. Kathryn Otoshi. KO Kids, $18.95
Twyning, The. Terence Blacker. Candlewick, $16.99
Unbroken: An Olympian’s Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive. Laura Hillenbrand. Delacorte, $19.99
Uncaged. John Sandford and Michele Cook. Knopf, $18.99
Under the Egg. Laura Marx Fitzgerald. Dial, $16.99
Under the Ocean. Anouck Boisrobert, illus. by Louis Rigaud. Tate (Abrams, dist.), $19.95
Up for Sale: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. Alison Behnke. Twenty-First Century, $34.60
V Is for Villain. Peter Moore. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99
Vanilla Ice Cream. Bob Graham. Candlewick, $16.99
Very Little Red Riding Hood. Teresa Heapy, illus. by Sue Heap. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99
Very Tiny Baby, The. Sylvie Kantorovitz. Charlesbridge, $14.95
Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy, The. Kate Hattemer. Knopf, $16.99
Viminy Crowe’s Comic Book. Marthe Jocelyn and Richard Scrimger, illus. by Claudia Davila. Tundra, $17.99
Virginia Giant, The: The True Story of Peter Francisco. Bobby Norfolk and Sherry Norfolk, illus. by Cait Brennan. History Press, $16.99
Wade and the Scorpion’s Claw (The Copernicus Archives #1). Tony Abbott. HarperCollins/Tegen, $3.99 pb
Wall. Tom Clohosy Cole. Candlewick/Templar, $16.99
Water Planet Rescue (Space Taxi). Wendy Mass and Michael Brawer. Little, Brown, $15
Water Rolls, Water Rises / El Agua Rueda, El Agua Sube. Pat Mora, illus. by Meilo So. Connections Book Publishing, $17.95
Way to the Zoo, The. John Burningham. Candlewick, $15.99
We Are the Goldens. Dana Reinhardt. Random/Lamb, $16.99
Wednesday. Anne Bertier. Enchanted Lion, $17.95
Well’s End, The. Seth Fishman. Putnam, $17.99
What I Thought Was True. Huntley Fitzpatrick. Dial, $17.99
What There is Before There is Anything There: A Scary Story. Liniers, trans. from the Spanish by Elisa Amado. Groundwood (PGW, dist.), $18.95
What’s New? The Zoo!: A Zippy History of Zoos. Kathleen Krull. Scholastic/Levine, $17.99
When an Alien Meets a Swamp Monster. Cornelius van Wright. Penguin/Paulsen, $16.99
When Lunch Fights Back: Wickedly Clever Animal Defenses. Rebecca L. Johnson. Lerner/Millbrook, $29.27
Where’s Mommy? Beverly Donofrio, illus. by Barbara McClintock. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $17.99
While We Run. Karen Healey. Little, Brown, $18
While You Were Napping. Jenny Offill, illus. by Barry Blitt. Random/Schwartz & Wade, $16.99
Whispering Town, The. Jennifer Elvgren, illus. by Fabio Santomauro. Lerner/Kar-Ben, $17.95 hc, $7.95 pb
White House is Burning, The: August 24, 1814. Jane Sutcliffe. Charlesbridge, $19.95
Who Did It? Ohara Hale. powerHouse/POW! (Random, dist.), $16.95
Who’s Next Door? Mayuko Kishira, trans. from the Japanese by Shana Rieko Shimizu, illus. by Jun Takabatake. Owlkids (PGW, dist.), $16.95
Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature. Betsy Bird and Julie Danielson, eds., et al. Candlewick, $22.99
Wildwood Imperium (Wildwood III). Colin Meloy, illus. by Carson Ellis. HarperTeen/Balzer + Bray, $17.99
Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold. Joyce Sidman, illus. by Rick Allen. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Woman in the House (and Senate), A: How Women Came to the United States Congress, Broke Down Barriers, and Changed the Country. Ilene Cooper. Abrams, $24.95
Words and Their Meanings. Kate Bassett. Llewellyn/Flux, $11.99 pb
Wrenchies, The. Farel Dalrymple. First Second, $19.99 pb
yolo. Lauren Myracle. Abrams/Amulet, $16.95
Zac & Mia. A.J. Betts. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $17.99
Thank you for this wonderful list! I teach Children’s Literature and make requests for our university library, so this is really helpful. I appreciate your time and effort!
You are welcome! And thank you for taking the time to comment. It means a lot! : )
Such an impressive list of fabulous authors and illustrators! THANK you for all your hard work putting this together, Elizabeth. LOVE it.
Thank you so much for all the time you put into making this wonderful list! I’ve missed so many of these; looking forward to catching up on some of the great books that flew under my radar.
Thank you Elizabeth Bluemle for this wonderful list. I’m thrilled to be included. Thank you!
Thanks so much for taking the time to put this list together, Elizabeth. Much appreciated!
Although i’m semi-retired (just last month) from full-time bookselling, I’m helping the little private where I taught between The Bookhouse and The Bookworm to find appropriate books for the kids who are all behind by a year or more in their reading or math. This will help — Thanks, Elizabeth!!!
Thanks, Elizabeth, for all your work in compiling this uber-useful list.
Oh, I just love pouring over this list. How wonderful to see a compilation of stars – thank you for the time and effort in putting it together! What an amazing resource! With gratitude, JW
What a remarkable list! Thank you so much for your time and effort in putting it together. It’s an amazing resource! With gratitude, JW
Henny and I are dizzy with delight at seeing this fabulous list. It’s a labor of book-love, for sure, Elizabeth Bluemle! Thank you!! -ERS
Love seeing this list every year, Elizabeth–I always see favorites as well as books I don’t know about yet. Thanks you for doing it!
This list is much appreciated, Elizabeth! Love seeing my favorites and also some that I might have missed. Thank you!!
AAck! Posted twice! Now three times! Sorry! Feel free to delete!
Thanks for doing this, I always find a few titles I missed in the catalogs to add to our assortment.
Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments!! I’m glad the list is helpful!
Elizabeth, I love seeing this compilation and I pick out the books I represent. It make me glow when I see the Macmillan titles listed all in one place. Thanks!!
Thank you, Elizabeth, for all the work you put into creating this list. I am a director of a small public library, and this really helps with selections.
Thank you Elizabeth. I love to see this list. I use it to find books I may have missed and to celebrate the books that I already know and have fallen in love with. So pleased when all the stars align.
Great help in sorting everything out, thanks so much Elizabeth!
Thanks for compiling and sharing this!
A big constellation here. Thank you for putting it together!
This list has been incredibly helpful in adding the number of stars for each title I’m talking about at an training at my library. I was able to add each star listing. Thanks a million for creating this list! I look forward to it each year!