Job Moves

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Here are our latest job moves.


Clara Chuiton, formerly associate agent at Olswanger Literary, has joined The Rights Factory as associate agent.
Shannon Hegarty has joined Henry Holt as marketing assistant .
Mat Nichols, formerly senior key account manager at Ingram, is joining Simon & Schuster's Independent Retail Team as associate director of client sales.
Andrew Arthur has joined Sourcebooks as production coordinator.
Megan Jacobs has joined Sourcebooks as communications assistant.
Adah Li, formerly assistant editor at Algonquin Young Readers, has joined Ten Speed Press as assistant editor.
Danielle Marshall, formerly editorial director at Lake Union / Amazon Publishing, has joined Jane Rotrosen Agency as agent.
Sarah George has joined HarperCollins Publishers as marketing associate, academic marketing .


Andrew George has been promoted to VP of demand and supply planning at ReaderLink.
Allegra Martschenko, formerly agent at Ladderbird, has joined BookEnds Literary as agent.
Krystal Boyd has been promoted to director of demand planning at ReaderLink.
Suneet George has joined ReaderLink as senior director of data management.
Jocelyn Padilla has been promoted to supply planner I at ReaderLink.
Brian Potter has been promoted to demand planning supervisor at ReaderLink.
Carlos Velez has joined ReaderLink as business analyst II for supply chain.
Jake Peterson has joined ReaderLink as facilities and mailroom assistant.
Jonathan Gleason has joined ReaderLink as co-op and billing coordinator.


Caitlin Nolan is joining Watkins Media Ltd as editorial assistant. Caitlin can be contacted at
Gigi St John has been promoted to project manager at Watkins Media Ltd. Gigi can be contacted at
Daniel Culver has been promoted to editorial operations manager at Watkins Media Ltd. Daniel can be contacted at
Brittany Willis has been promoted to commissioning editor, moon + bird books at Watkins Media Ltd. Brittany can be contacted at
Ella Chappell has been promoted to editorial director, watkins & nourish at Watkins Media Ltd. Ella can be contacted at
Fiona Robertson,publisher of watkins, nourish and moon + bird imprints, has left Watkins Media Ltd effective 00/00/0000. Fiona can be contacted at
Laura Whitaker-Jones has been promoted to head of imprint, moon + bird at Watkins Media Ltd. Laura can be contacted at


Taylor Norman has been promoted to editorial director at Neal Porter Books, an imprint of Holiday House.
Sara DiSalvo has been promoted to assistant director of publicity at Candlewick Press, Holiday House, and Peachtree Publishing.
Rachel Kirby has been promoted to publicity manager at Candlewick Press, Holiday House, and Peachtree Publishing.
Stephanie Pando has been promoted to senior publicist at Candlewick Press, Holiday House, and Peachtree Publishing.
Anagha Putrevu has been promoted to foreign rights agent at David Black Literary Agency.
Zoe Harris has been promoted to assistant editor at Grove Alantic.
Lily Dondoshansky has been promoted to assistant editor at Doubleday.
Laura Lassen is being promoted to editorial associate at Princeton University Press.
Natalie Zander is being promoted to promotions assistant at Princeton University Press.


Cheryl Segura, formerly editor at Wiley, has joined Hay House as senior acquisitions edtior.
Amanda Schoonmaker has been promoted to senior director of contracts and legal at Macmillan.
Stephanie Torres has been promoted to manager of production at Macmillan.
Jeremy Haiting has been promoted to senior manager of production at Macmillan.
Amanda Gutierrez has been promoted to associate director of production at Macmillan.
Melissa Golding has been promoted to associate director of contracts and legal at Macmillan.
Raymond Ernesto Colón has been promoted to executive director of production at Macmillan.
Jose Olivera has joined Macmillan as senior manager of production.
Lindsey Doyle has joined Macmillan as supply chain inventory analyst.


Elizabeth Wayant, formerly art and design intern at St. Martin's Publishing Group, has joined Entangled Publishing as designer and can be contacted at
Allie Roche has been promoted to associate editor at Avon.
Madelyn Blaney has been promoted to associate editor at Avon.
Shannon Plackis has been promoted to senior editor at Avon.
Allie Roche has been promoted to associate editor at HarperCollins/Avon.
Madelyn Blaney has been promoted to associate editor at HarperCollins/Avon.
Shannon Plackis has been promoted to senior editor at HarperCollins/Avon.


David Nygren has joined Silverchair as chief business development officer.
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