What If It Never Stops Raining?: 9
Nancy Carlson. Viking Children's Books, $14 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-670-81775-7
From the author of I Like Me! and Take Time to Relax comes another work exploring children's psychological issues. Anxiety and how to deal with it is proficiently handled, as Tim learns to cope with his tendency toward excessive worrying. When a few raindrops portend floods to Tim, his mother reassures him: ``we could jump in a boat and sail down the street.'' Tim frets continually--about the new school bus driver, playground activities, his science report. But by the end of the day, the youngster has learned (as readers will) that there are many ways to alleviate anxiety; and even though his bedtime thoughts are filled with angst, he falls asleep knowing that he has the tools to combat that angst. In an accessible format, Carlson's signature cartoony, contemporary-looking illustrations exude innocence and gentle humor. Two minor cavils: some kids may find these imagined ``disasters'' somewhat alarming; the book's resolution is a bit too tidy. Nonetheless, this author-illustrator is well on her way to becoming the Leo Buscaglia of the younger set. Ages 3-8. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 09/28/1992
Genre: Children's