cover image One Terrific Thanksgiving

One Terrific Thanksgiving

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. Holiday House, $14.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8234-0569-5

Irving Morris Bear concentrates on food, especially his favorites, sweets. During the week before Thanksgiving, I. M. loads his Manhattan apartment with comestibles to prepare for the grand feast. But he's afraid he'll devour the hoard prematurely. Luckily neighbors in the buildingSabra, Thurp and Renata Jeanagree to hide piggie ursus's treats until the holiday. Of course he tries to get them back, but the guards refuse. Not until Thanksgiving morning do they leave the load outside Bear's door. Sabra, Thurp and Renata add a note, asking if gorging himself is all I. M. thinks about on the special day. The chastened gourmand realizes he has more to give thanks for than food and he throws a party for his most important blessings, friends. As always, Sharmat neatly encapsulates a pithy point in her sparkling amusement. Obligado's vivid scarlet and gold scenes illustrate the story. (48)