cover image What Are You Worth?

What Are You Worth?

Edward M. Hallowell. Grove/Atlantic, $17.95 (190pp) ISBN 978-1-55584-089-1

In this guidebook for inhabitants of the often difficult world of the moneyed, Harvard psychiatrist Hallowell and stockbroker Grace apply psychological insight to the problem of personal money management. After explaining how assets and liabilities determine net worth, they examine the various ways money can be perceivedas a prop to self-esteem, a source of power, a means to freedom, etc.and analyze various types of money-oriented individuals: optimist, hustler, gambler, ``jock'' and so on. The authors lucidly dissect the fast-growing financial-adviser service industry and, through test cases in various income brackets, suggest ways to develop ``a sound financial lifestyle.'' Readers seeking rags-to-riches advice may need to look elsewhere, however. In one case cited here, alternative arrangements are discussed for a Denver man who has a $23 million equity in commercial property and a $50,000 art collection. (Jan.)