cover image Juniper Tree

Juniper Tree

Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm, Wilhelm K. Grimm. Farrar Straus Giroux, $28 (352pp) ISBN 978-0-374-33971-5

Maurice Sendak's illustrations grace The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm, trans. by Lore Segal and Randall Jarrell, and originally published 30 years ago. This elegant collector's edition; also with a bound-in ribbon placeholder, includes 27 tales carefully chosen by Segal and Sendak, from the familiar (""Hansel and Gretel"") to nearly forgotten tales such as the disturbing title story, in which a wicked stepmother is punished for a horrifying crime. Sendak's masterful illustrations, from the startling cover image of the kidnappers of ""The Goblins"" carrying a large human baby, to the portrait of a well-dressed lion who advises a king in ""The Twelve Huntsmen,"" exude his humor and imagination.