cover image Trains Go

Trains Go

Steve Light. Chronicle, $8.99 (16p) ISBN 978-0-8118-7942-2

Light returns to the format of his 2008 Trucks Go in a stylish board book with a squat, wide trim size that mimics its subject matter: trains of all varieties. Two things vie for attention in each spread: Light’s blithe, loose watercolor portraits of the trains that speed across the pages, and the boisterous noises that each of the trains makes, which appear in big, brightly colored fonts. A vintage blue and black streamliner goes “wo wooo woooooo,” a TGV-speed train whooshes past, and an old steam train makes a “clang, clang, clang, toot toot!” Each of Light’s trains has a distinct personality, and locomotive lovers will clang, chug, and puff along with them as they make their way along the tracks. Up to age 3. (Feb.)

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