cover image Diggers Go

Diggers Go

Steve Light. Chronicle, $9.99 (16p) ISBN 978-1-4521-1864-2

Light follows Trucks Go and Trains Go with a salute to construction vehicles and the gloriously raucous noises they make. Case in point: “The jackhammer goes, grrrakka kkakkakkakkakkakkakkakkakkakk...” The book’s extra-wide trim size gives the vehicles plenty of room to do their excavating; a front loader chugs along, a bulldozer rumbles and scrunches as it mounds dirt into a pile, and a forklift beeps away as it extends on a vertically oriented spread. Light’s vibrant palette and loose watercolors hum with energy, and readers will be all too happy to growl, crunch, and rumble along with their favorite heavy-duty vehicles. Up to age 2. (Aug.)