Monkey and Me
Emily Gravett, . . Simon & Schuster, $15.99 (32pp) ISBN 978-1-4169-5457-6
With a lot of imagination and some creative contortions, a little girl pretends that she and her adored stuffed monkey fit right in with tribes of penguins, kangaroos, bats, elephants and... monkeys. A catchy refrain sets up each scenario: “Monkey and me,/ Monkey and me,/ Monkey and me,/ We went to see....” Readers can take a moment to guess which species the feisty pigtailed narrator, a Pippi Longstocking in the making, is miming before a turn of the page shows the relevant animals at their antic best. To evoke a mama kangaroo and her joey, for example, the girl stuffs Monkey under her shirt; to become an elephant, she bends at the waist, makes one of her arms a trunk and turns the other into a prehensile tail that pulls Monkey-as-calf behind her. Working in pencil and watercolor, with a palette limited to red, black and brown, Gravett (
Reviewed on: 01/07/2008
Genre: Children's
Board Books - 26 pages - 978-0-230-73943-7
Hardcover - 25 pages - 978-1-4050-8949-4
Paperback - 25 pages - 978-0-230-01583-8