cover image Little Mouse’s Big Book of Beasts

Little Mouse’s Big Book of Beasts

Emily Gravett. Simon & Schuster, $17.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-4814-3929-9

Little Mouse (of Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears) is back, energetically adapting/defacing another book. After painting out Gravett’s name on the title page and inserting her own, Little Mouse turns to the beasts: “The Lion is a mighty king./ He’s sharp of tooth/ And sharp of claw,/ Fleet of foot/ And loud of...” Only a ragged, ripped-out hole remains where the word “roar” was; the scrap now serves as a speech balloon for Little Mouse. More creative mayhem follows as Little Mouse defangs one savage beast after another. The pages tear, new pictures appear taped onto the originals—it’s a riot of beautifully produced paper-art pyrotechnics. Gravett fills the pages with paintbox colors, and the comedy flows from the contradiction between Little Mouse’s presentation of herself as fearful and her saucy sabotage, which culminates in a brash self-portrait. Ages 4–8. (Sept.)