A T. Rex Named Sue
Rebecca Kai Dotlich, and various artists. . Music for Little People, $9.98 ( (800-346-4445, CD $9.98 ISBN p) ISBN 978-1-56628-386-1
Sue, the T. Rex now on display at the Field Museum in Chicago, is clearly the star of this musical show that traces her discovery (by fossil hunter Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota) and eventual trip to her resting place in the museum. Singer Al Jarreau serves as narrator, weaving facts in between the tunes. He also performs one song, "Bones." Bluegrass is the flavor of "How Do You Get to South Dakota"; rock rules on "Fossil Hunter" performed by Martha Davis of the Motels; and rap and R&B get their groove on in "Colossal Fossil," which also imparts facts such as "Sue's a carnivore/ that means she eats meat." Jazz and blues aren't left out either. While jamming to this entertaining natural history lesson, kids won't want to miss the nifty 3-D picture of Sue on the CD cover. All ages.
Reviewed on: 08/01/2005
Genre: Audio