MY HORIZONTAL LIFE: A Collection of One-Night Stands
Chelsea Handler, . . Bloomsbury, $13.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-1-58234-618-2
Opening with a cute story from when she was seven and photographed her parents having sex, stand-up comedian Handler goes on to discuss the virtues of the one-night stand, which amount to having sex early enough so you're not months into a relationship before you discover he's into "anal beads and duct tape." She discusses her quest for sex with a "black man," which doesn't work out because the date she finds on has a penis so large, she "would have had to be the size of the Lincoln Tunnel to accommodate that thing." After him, there's a "little midget," but she sobers up before sleeping with him. Next come a number of would-be partners with penises too small to consider. Finally, there's a guy Handler
Reviewed on: 04/18/2005
Genre: Nonfiction
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