The Married Man's Mentor (May, $12.95) by Lucas Lovibond reproduces a 107-year-old book of advice.
Much Ado About English: Up and Down the Bizarre Byways of a Fascinating Language (May, $16.95) by Richard Watson Todd gambols across the idiosyncratic landscape of the English language.
How Do You Work This Life Thing? Advice for the Newly Independent on Roommates, Jobs, Sex, and Everything That Counts (Apr., $19.95) by Lizzie Post helps young adults navigate the perils and pleasures of independent living.
EDITIONS SCALA (dist. by Antique Collectors' Club)
Arresting Design: Illustration in the Marketplace (Mar., $95) by Alain Lachartre. The author shares his experiences working with the world's most prestigious brands and designers.
FRANCES LINCOLN (dist. by Antique Collectors' Club)
A Book Addict's Treasury (Apr., $18.95) by Lynda Murphy and Julie Rugg presents more than 350 book-themed quotations and excerpts from numerous writers and thinkers.
Hide This Book 101 Italian (June, $6.95). Geared to teens and 20-somethings, this book provides modern expressions for tech talk, pick-up lines and lots more.
MAINSTREAM (dist. by Trafalgar Square)
The Dan Brown Companion: The Truth Behind the Fiction (Mar., $24.95) by Simon Cox shares inside scoop regarding the actual people, places and events that inspired Brown's Robert Langdon novels.
The Jane Austen Handbook: A Sensible Yet Elegant Guide to Her World (May, $16.95) by Margaret C. Sullivan offers step-by-step instructions for comportment à la Ms. Austen.