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How do I pitch Publishers Weekly a story idea?
How do I submit a deal to Publishers Weekly?
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How do I get permission to reprint PW articles?
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News to Andrew Albanese and John Maher
End Notes to Adam Boretz
Features to
Children's to
To submit deal news for the print Deals column in PW, please email and include the rights sold/acquired, book title, author name, plot synopsis, name of acquiring editor, name of selling agent, publication date (if there is one), and a hi-res author photo (as a jpg attachment). Please understand that we are unable to run all of the submissions we are sent. Also, due to the volume of submissions, we cannot offer an update about whether or not an item will run.
The Deals column only selectively runs deals for children’s and YA books. You can also separately submit your children’s and YA deals for the Rights Report column in the Children’s Bookshelf newsletter. Please include all of the information above and send your deals to, with the subject line of Deals Submission.
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How do I license PW content?
Inquiries concerning licensing of PW editorial, features and book reviews should be directed to Carl Pritzkat,, 212-377-2732.
PW may be quoted in print or online without permission if no more than 25 words; Publishers Weekly must be given full attribution.
How do I submit galleys for review?
For detailed submission guidelines, click here. »
Where can I find the Editorial Calendar?
The PW Editorial Calendar details information on features, supplements, and announcements issues. To view it, click here. »
Where can I find information about Advertising Rates?
The PW Rate Card includes information on PW's circulation, display advertising rates, special opportunities, e-mail and web advertising, direct-mail services, reprints, licensing content, and a complete list of sales contacts. To access the Rate Card, click here.
Where can I find information about PW's e-mail newsletters?
PW publishes a variety of e-newsletters. For more information, click here. »
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How do I send a letter to the editor?
We welcome your comments and suggestions. We reserve the right to edit letters for publication. Please include your name and address when writing; send letters to Jonathan Segura, Editorial Director.
How do I subscribe to PW in print?
For detailed subscription information or to subscribe online, click here. »
Do I need to subscribe to the PW Web site?
If you have a print or digital subscription, you have full access to Free newsletter subscribers have more limited access to content on the site. All subscribers can login quickly and easily by clicking the "LOGIN" button at the top right of any page on the site. »
Can I access book reviews online?
Yes. We offer a book review database back to 1987 for Publishers Weekly subscribers. To see a selection of current reviews, click here. Subscribers can search the online review archive here.