The 2008 Comic-con International: San Diego in pictures.

Warner Bros. booth featured a giant 9,000 pound recreation of the Owlship, the flying vehicle of the Nite Owl, one of the super heroes featured in the film adaptation of Alan Moore’s acclaimed graphic novel Watchmen.

Crowds of fans on the floor of San Diego Comic-con 2008.

The Flight crew sell Flight Volume 5 at the Flight booth with the color anthology's editor Kazu Kibuishi at the far right.

Comic Book legal Defense Fund executive director Charles Brownstein oversees the Drink and Draw Social, an annual event at the CBLDF fund raising party at the San Diego Comic-con.

Eisner nominee Jason Shiga (The Bookhunter). Photo by J. Culkin

Game developer Will Wright discusses his forthcoming new videogame Spore. Photo by J. Culkin.

The future of the comics phamplet panel (l. to r.) retailer Carr D'Angelo, Image's Joe Keatinge, artist Eric Shanower (Age of Bronze) and moderator PWCW's Douglas Wolk. Photo by J. Culkin

Comics artist Rick Geary and NBM publisher Terry Nantier. Photo by J. Culkin

Scholastic/Graphix v-p, creative director David Saylor on the floor.

Comics theory guru Scott McCloud and daughter Winter McCloud. Photo by J. Culkin

Cosplayers in the house.