PW Discussion Series
An occasional live panel discussion series hosted by Publishers Weekly.
\t \t\t \t\t \t
When: Thursday October 16, 2014 8:30 - 11 a.m. EDT
Where: Random House Café Auditorium
Registration: $49 |
\t\tSalaries & Diversity in Publishing 2014Are you paying too much for talent? Losing valuable talent? What is the breakout of total compensation for employees in management, editorial, sales, marketing, production?What is the status of diversity in publishing? Does it make any difference if there are advocates for diversity at all levels of management? Join Publishers Weekly editorial director Jim Milliot, author of the PW Publishing Industry Salary Survey 2014, in a lively, frank discussion of publishing salaries and diversity in publishing. For the first time, the annual Publishers Weekly salary survey asked respondents to identify their race, and all compensation information shows the breakdown, along with gender, company size, region and more. Also for the first time, PW asked a host of questions about perceptions of diversity within the publishing industry. \tFind out the consensus—or lack of consensus—about these and other key issues: \t Better yet, buy the PW Publishing Industry Salary Survey 2014 for $99 and get FREE admission to the live discussion on October 16, 2014. A $49 value! Buy now!
Moderated By:
Panelist Include:
Stacy N. Barney, Senior Editor
Jason Low,
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