Books by Ferdinand Von Schirach and Complete Book Reviews

Ferdinand von Schirach, trans. from the German by Anthea Bell. Viking, $25.95 (208p) ISBN 978-0-670-02652-4
Von Schirach, a prominent German advocate for the accused and author of two story collections (Guilt; Crime), disappoints with this present-day legal thriller, a “whydunit.” Fabrizio Collini, a toolmaker in his late 70s, pretends to be a reporter...
Ferdinand von Schirach, trans. from the German by Carol Brown Janeway. Knopf, $24 (160p) ISBN 978-0-307-59949-0
Von Schirach (Crime) draws on his background as a criminal defense attorney in these fourteen stories—all based on real events—that call into question the nature of guilt and innocence. He does not pass judgment on his characters, opting instead to...
Ferdinand von Schirach, trans. from the German by Carol Brown Janeway, Knopf, $25 (208p) ISBN 978-0-307-59415-0
In his fiction debut, a collection of 11 stories, German defense lawyer von Schirach displays a facility with contemporary noir in such tales as "Fähner," the depressing account of a troubled marriage that ends in violence, and "The Cello," which...
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