Books by Orli Zuravicky and Complete Book Reviews

Orli Zuravicky, illus. by Giuseppe Castellano. Little Simon, $7.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-4424-2049-6
Mister Doodle may be a simple stick figure, but he lives in a vibrant photo-collage world. In this alphabet book, he and his dog, Sketch, share a new noun for every letter of the alphabet (each scene includes other items that begins with that same...
Orli Zuravicky, illus. by Giuseppe Castellano. S&S/Little Simon, $7.99 (34p) ISBN 978-1-4424-3154-6
In stick-figure Mister Doodle's second book, he decides that his dog Sketch's shed needs some spiffing up with paint and debates what color might be best. "He might enjoy a brilliant green/ like the kind found in a forest./ Or a pink like the pretty
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