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  • PW Select Reviews: April 2014

    The latest reviews of self-published titles from PW Select.

  • DIY: Crowdfunding 101

    Without an advance or the support of a publisher, securing funding to publish and publicize a book can be an uphill battle. Because of this, many enterprising indie authors have turned to crowdfunding platforms -- which pair artists and projects with donors -- to support their publishing efforts.

  • Indie Success Story: Jen McLaughlin's Shot to the Heart

    McLaughlin's first self-published romance novel, "Out of Line," went on to sell over 150,000 copies and hit number nine on The New York Times e-book bestseller list. It’s the kind of success that indie authors dream about -- but it didn’t happen without a lot of hard work.

  • In the Trenches: PW Talks with Karyn Rashoff

    A high school counselor with 33 years of experience, Karyn Rashoff self-published a guidebook for parents and students that received a starred review from PW Select. We caught up with Rashoff to talk about indie publishing and the issues facing parents and adolescents.

  • Saint Germain Tops in February

    The second book in Lili Saint Germain’s Gypsy Brothers series, "Six Brothers," took the top spot last month on the list of bestselling titles published via the Smashwords platform.

  • Smashwords Self-Published Bestseller List, February 2014

    "Six Brothers," the second romance in Lili Saint Germain's Gypsy Brothers series, grabbed the #1 spot on our list of the best-selling titles published on the Smashwords platform.

  • My Self-Publishing Journey: On Becoming an Indie Author

    I decided it was time to let go of the stigma on self-publishing -- and, if I’m being completely honest, my own ego -- and put my career first. Which is to say, I decided to become a self-published author.

  • A New Way To Ply Her Trade: PW Talks with Laura Morelli

    After traditionally publishing three books, Laura Morelli turned to self-publishing for her first novel, "The Gondola Maker," which received a starred review from PW Select.

  • Social Media 101 for DIY Authors

    For an indie author, being successful at social media means putting out great content and engaging with readers -- so that when a book is released, followers will care about it, help spread the word, and buy a copy.

  • Three Books on Writing Well For Indie Authors

    Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, these books can give you the equipment, the insights, and the courage you need to make your book the best it can be.

  • Virtuoso: Charles Johnson Pens Collaborative Children's Book

    His new Emery Jones series, published by Booktrope, marks several firsts for Johnson: his first children's book, his first collaboration with his daughter, and the first time he has drawn professionally in about three years.

  • PW Select March 2014: All Our Coverage

    Publishers Weekly's guide to what's new in the self-publishing industry.

  • PW Select March 2014: The Reviews

    This month's installment of PW Select self-published print and e-books.

  • PW Select March 2014: New Titles from Self-Publishers

    Booksellers, publishers, and agents are encouraged to take a look at the following listings of self-published books from authors either waiting to be discovered or with a track record and a following who are doing it on their own.

  • Creating a Genre of Her Own: On Ann Charles's Indie Success

    Charles cites her fans as the greatest source of her success, much more so than promotions or release dates. She does not just ask fans to buy the latest book, but makes them part of her sales and marketing team.

  • I Spy: Indie Book and Mobile Game Take Aim at Young Readers

    "The Stormglass Protocol" is a popular mobile game with a middle-grade indie book tie-in, a product of the unusual team-up of brothers Pete and Andy Deemer, and Hugo Award-winner Tim Pratt.

  • PW Select February 2014: All Our Coverage

    Publishers Weekly's guide to what's new in the self-publishing industry.

  • PW Select February 2014: The Reviews

    This month's installment of PW Select self-published print and e-books.

  • PW Select February 2014: New Titles from Self-Publishers - The Listings

    Just in time for the Winter Olympic Games, the incomparable broadcaster, gold medalist, and world champion figure skater Dick Button demystifies the sport in a book that is among the titles booksellers, publishers, and agents are encouraged to take a look at the following listings of self-published books from authors either waiting to be discovered or with a track record and a following who are doing it on their own.

  • Not Your Parents’ Parenting Book - Karen Alpert

    Sometimes overwhelmed parents are less interested in reading measured advice than hearing someone say what they’re thinking— or wouldn’t dare to say in front of their kids.

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