Phil Rosenthal, television writer and creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, and his daughter, Lily Rosenthal, recently took their new picture book Just Try It!, illustrated by Luke Flowers, on a five-city tour. The pair met readers at bookstores, were guests on daytime television, and made an appearance at a food festival, all while encouraging young readers to step out of their comfort zone with food. Here we round up the highlights from their travels.
Phil and Lily kicked off their launch day on March 5 with an appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show to present their new book and discuss Phil’s experience on his show Somebody Feed Phil.
Later that evening, the duo celebrated with an event at Barnes & Noble Union Square in New York City.
A fan surprised the pair with sweet treats at their B&N event.
Phil and Lily were invited to speak on the Today Show on March 6. During the segment, they invited news anchors to try exciting foods with them.
On March 6 Bookends Bookstore in Ridgewood, N.J., welcomed the Rosenthals to present their book. Here, they sign a poster of Just Try It!.
Little Shop of Stories in Decatur, Ga., hosted an event on March 7. Here, the Rosenthals share a laugh with fans.
The authors signing copies of their book for guests at Little Shop of Stories.
On March 8, Phil and Lil appeared at Writer’s Block Bookstore in Winter Park, Fla. Here they sign copies ahead of the event.
Lily chats with young readers at Writer’s Block Bookstore.
At an event co-hosted by charity Feeding America, Phil and Lily gave a reading at the North Valley Caring Service’s Youth Enrichment Program on March 12.
Students at Larchmont Charter School in Los Angeles gave Phil and Lily a warm welcome for their visit, where they gave a reading on March 13.
That same day, Phil and Lily made their way to an event at Barnes & Noble The Grove. Here they show off jackets featuring their book’s title.
Hungry attendees of Smorgasburg Los Angeles met the authors at a sponsored sampling event on March 17.
Phil and Lily with a young fan at the Smorgasburg Los Angeles partnership event.