Last month, Caldecott Honor recipient Peter Brown embarked on a two-week, 10-city tour in celebration of The Wild Robot Escapes (Little, Brown), sequel to his first middle grade novel, The Wild Robot. The new book picks up with the adventures of robot Roz as she tries to return to the island where she has made an unexpected home among the animals. We’ve gathered a selection of photo highlights from the events, which included readings, drawing demonstrations, and more.
A book-lover in a life-size Roz costume greeted the author, who appeared as guest of honor at the National Writers’ Series Battle of the Books in Traverse City, Mich. Two teams of elementary school students competed onstage for the title of Battle of the Books champion, answering questions about the books they had read—one of which was The Wild Robot. Brown then gave a talk and presented awards to the winning team and the runners-up. Local indie Horizon Bookstore sold books for him to sign.
Brown presented his new book at Poly Prep School in Brooklyn. That night, he launched the book at WORD Bookstore in Jersey City, where fans could grab refreshments and Roz-themed pins and bookmarks.
During an appearance at the Louisville Free Public Library, for an event hosted with Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville, Ky., Brown joined the Carmichael’s Kids Book Club.
The author visited Caledonia Elementary School in Grand Rapids, Mich., to discuss his book with third through fifth graders. Afterwards, he had some one-on-one time with fans.
Brown gave a drawing demonstration during a public event at Schuler Books & Music in Grand Rapids, Mich.
After his event at Schuler’s, the author signed books and met a group of friends from a local elementary school.
As the tour drew to a close, Brown signed for a long line of kids at Buttonwood Books & Toys in Cohasset, Mass., on March 23, after a day of school visits in the area.
Brown will host an event on April 28 in his neighborhood in Brooklyn, at the Brooklyn Public Library, with books sold by Stories Bookshop. In May the author will also make appearances at Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston, at White Whale Bookstore in Pittsburgh, and at Barnes & Noble in Philadelphia.