On May 4, YALLWEST, the festival founded and run by authors Melissa de la Cruz and Margaret Stohl, celebrated a major milestone: the 10th-anniversary festival. The annual affair brought together YA authors and readers took place at the Santa Monica Public Library and drew more than 25,000 fans for a day filled with panels, signings, giveaways, in addition to Friday preview events. We’ve rounded up highlights from the event. All photos by Megan Burke.

Students from several Los Angeles schools arrived for a day of book-centric activities.

(Back row, from l.) YALLWEST co-chair and co-founder Margaret Stohl, keynote speaker Jason Reynolds, Brendan Reichs, Ransom Riggs, Veronica Roth, (front row, from l.) co-chair and co-founder Melissa de la Cruz, Tahereh Mafi, and Raphael Simon.

(From l.): Panelists Adam Silvera, Angie Thomas, Namina Forna, moderator Ransom Riggs, Tracy Deonn, Marie Lu, and Adalyn Grace during the “Big Fantasy on the Big Stage” discussion.

(From l.): Authors Stuart Gibbs, Sarah Mlynowski, and Alan Gratz at the special preview event on May 3.

Excited readers getting their event programs.

Alexandra Bracken signing copies of her books at the Underlined booth.

Authors Namina Forna (l.) and Angie Thomas enjoying the preview event.

(From l.): “YALLWEST Debuts” panelists Carolina Ixta, Kate Chenli, Angela Montoya, Ann Zhao, Jordan Morris, and Kamilah Cole shared their experiences as first-time authors.

At the sneak preview event, authors (from l.) Tracy Deonn and Alex Aster with co-founder Melissa de la Cruz.

Keynote speakers Jason Reynolds (l.) and Stephanie Garber onstage after their conversation.