Last Week’s top Reviews

The most-read reviews on were...

The Chinaman

A Gathering of Ravens

La Salle: Explorer of the North American Frontier

The Village of Round and Square Houses

What to Do About the Solomons

From the Newsletters

Tip Sheet

N.J. Campbell, author of the literary puzzle Found Audio, picks 10 books that delightfully puzzle the reader.

Children’s Bookshelf

Paddington Bear creator Michael Bond died on June 27 at age 91.

BookLife Report

How an indie author found her niche with a successful line of travel guides.


Week Ahead

PW senior writer Andrew Albanese on Hillary Clinton’s message to the library community last week at ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

More to Come

Kate Fitzsimons talks to Nick Mamatas about bringing out Yoshiki Tanaka’s Legend of the Galactic Heroes in English for the first time.

PW Radio

Harvey Sachs discusses his new book, Toscanini: Musician of Conscience. Then PW’s director of digital operations, Craig Teicher, talks about this fall’s big poetry books.



Hosting social-justice workshops for children.