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  • The Children's Digital Market: Still Uncharted Territory

    The growing complexity of the children's digital market was parsed by industry experts at the Publishers Launch Conference in New York on January 15, as panelists and speakers agreed that the transition from print to digital will not be a clean, easy movement and that things are still very much in the experimentation stage.

  • ‘At the Crossroads of Legal Code, Computer code, and the Codex’: In Re Books Presentations Now Online

    On October 26 and 27—yes, just before Hurricane Sandy slammed the Northeast—New York Law School held In re Books, a “conference on law and the future of books.” Couldn’t make it to the conference? No problem—the full video of the conference is now available online, with downloadable versions ready soon. And check out Grimmelmann’s personal reflections on the program at the PWxyz blog.

  • At the 2012 Miami Book Fair, Self-Publishing Takes Center Stage

    Self-publishing was one of the highlights at the just-concluded 2012 Miami Book Fair.

  • Books in Browsers 2012: A Publishing Industry Rushing into the Future

    BiB speakers were not trying to repair or modernize publishing. Rather, they were designing new solutions for a world in which story-telling takes advantage of networked tools for sharing insights and art.

  • Tools of Change Books In Browsers Event Livestream

    A livestream of the O'Reilly Tools of Change Books in Browsers event on October 25, 2012

  • ALA Report 2012

    It was an upbeat annual conference for the American Library Association in Anaheim, Calif., highlighted by the awarding of the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence, the ALA’s first-ever book award for adult fiction and nonfiction. But with the release of a new Pew report and a pilot project announced by Penguin, the issue of library e-book lending loomed large over the meeting.

  • ALA 2012 Attendance Roughly Flat with 2011

    It was an upbeat annual conference for the American Library Association in Anaheim, and ALA officials reported that 20,134 attended the 2012 meeting in Anaheim, roughly flat with the 20,125 at the 2011 show.

  • Author Rebecca MacKinnon Kicks Off ALA With Talk On Digital Privacy

    Issues with e-book lending may loom large over the 2012 American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA, but Rebecca Mackinnon’s opening keynote focused on another aspect of the digital revolution important to librarians: privacy.

  • The 140 Conference Brings All Things Twitter to New York

    Jeff Pulver’s 140 Conference: The State of Now, returned to the 92nd Street Y with its unique combination of serious business data and oddball fringe culture, inspiring social outreach and full-on eccentricity and fun.

  • Speculations on the Future of the Book at MIT Conference

    The “Unbound: Speculations on the Future of the Book” conference held at MIT looked at forms the book might take, including DNA in a bacterium.

  • MIP 2012: Big Data, Little Data and Angry Birds, Febreze and the Future of Reading

    The Book Industry Study Group's annual Making Information Pay conference offered a program that outlined the broad nature of "Big Data"--specifically the ability to "tame vast amounts of data," how to manage it, and how it can help publishers run their business more efficiently.

  • Webinar on Adapting Business Practices to Digital World Set for April 25

    A webinar set for April 25 at 2 p.m. EDT will examine five business transformations publishers should make to keep pace with changes brought on by digital developments.

  • Comics at SXSW 2012: Marvel, Symbolia and Round Table

    While there seemed to be fewer presentations on comics at SXSW this year, there were a number of notable presentations, among them the launch of Marvel's digital comics line and a panel called, "How Comics Journalism is Saving Your Media."

  • TOC Bologna: Digital Kids' Publishers Try to Chart the Path Ahead

    On the eve of the 49th annual Bologna Children’s Book Fair, an international crowd of just under 400 turned out for the second Tools of Change Bologna, an espresso-fueled daylong conference held Sunday at the Palazzo dei Congressi, on the fairgrounds.

  • SXSW 2012: We Came, We Listened, We Tried to Get the Shuttle

    While SXSW attendance numbers have yet to be announced, there was little question that this year's Interactive event had ballooned. For those not staying within walking distance of the Convention Center and most of the panel and event venues travel proved difficult.

  • Canadian Tech Forum Wrestles with The Challenges of E

    BookNet Canada’s Technology Forum speakers take on the toughest problems of E, including pricing, discoverability and show-rooming, and offer some practical advice.

  • SXSW 2012: New Publishing Models and the Rise of the Referral Economy

    The sun came out and let people concentrate a bit more on SXSW rather than the seemingly overwhelmed shuttle service that has repeatedly stranded attendees at their hotels and screwed up more than a few schedules.

  • BEA Webinar on Google+ Set for March 15

    The next BEA webinar—Google+: Get on Board! Tips, Tactics and Applications for Publishers and Authors, Best Practices for the Book Industry, is set for March 15, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST.

  • SXSW 2012: What's Been Interesting...So Far

    People at SXSW care about music. And movies. But the rumor coming out of the crowds at this year's festival is that it's all about Interactive.

  • SXSW 2012: Mini TOC Kicks Off Rainy Show with BookShout and Mobile Content

    Neither the pouring rain nor unseasonably chilly weather can put a damper on the opening of this year’s SXSW Interactive festival, which is being held from March 9-13 in Austin, Tex.

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