Prometheus Books’ science fiction and fantasy imprint, Pyr, has announced the winners of its Pyr and Dragons Adventure essay contest. Lisa Iriarte, a seventh-grade teacher from Celebration, Fla., won the grand prize for her essay on why sci-fi and fantasy are important to her. Iriarte has won a round-trip flight to Atlanta, Ga., for this year’s Dragon*Con, which takes place in September; two nights’ hotel accommodation; and a Dragon*Con entry badge. At the convention, Iriarte will be the guest of honor at a dinner hosted by Pyr editorial director Lou Anders and featuring authors Mike Resnick, Jon Sprunk, James Enge, and Sam Sykes.

South Carolina writer Robert Rhodes won second prize, and Kazka Press founder L. Lambert Lawson won third prize. Nine Prometheus employees reviewed the entries; Anders selected three winners from the employees’ 15 favorite essays. Iriarte’s and Rhodes’s essays have been posted on the Pyr-o-mania blog; Lawson’s will be posted there later today.

Prometheus launched Pyr in 2005. This year, Pyr will publish its 100th title.