Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature today. Vargas Llosa is known for his political works that focus largely on Latin American power and corruption. Macmillan division Picador publishes most of Vargas Llosa’s books in the U.S., including Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, The Bad Girl, Death in the Andes, The Feast of the Goat, The War of the End of the World, and The Way to Paradise.

Picador publisher Frances Coady said, “We are so proud to publish Mario Vargas Llosa. As of this morning we are reprinting all 10 of our paperback titles and we already have in place major bookseller promotions and no doubt we will be reprinting many more times in the months to come.”

Harper Perennial also has some of Vargas Llosa’s books, including Conversation in the Cathedral and The Green House. Additionally, Palgrave Macmillan is releasing Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics edited by Juan E. De Castro and Nicholas Birns, later this month.

Vargas Llosa is giving a press conference today at 1:00 PM in the auditorium at the Cervantes Institute in New York City. The institute is located at 211 E. 49th Street.