Selecting the grand prize winner for the BookLife Prize is always a difficult decision. After careful consideration, BookLife has chosen Generation Zero by Sabreet Kang Rajeev as the winner for the 2020 BookLife Prize in Nonfiction. The memoir was ultimately chosen from among four finalists in each of the following categories: Self-Help/Relationships, Memoir/Autobiography, Inspirational/Spiritual, and Business/Personal Finance.
Here's what the judge said about Kang Rajeev's powerful memoir:
“In Generation Zero, Sabreet Kang Rajeev explores not just the South Asian immigrant experience, but the weight of having disappointed her father by being born a girl and the toxicity of so-called “positive stereotypes” that kept her working class family in a kind of hiding and shame. The particular beauty of this book lies in its contradictions and intersections, as Kang Rajeev empathically depicts the heroism and nobility of her immigrant parents, despite having carried the burden of feeling unwanted due to her gender. Both timely and timeless, the once 'voiceless' Kang Rajeev’s incredibly intimate voice is a gift.” - Gina Frangello
Stay tuned for a profile piece on Sabreet Kang Rajeev and Generation Zero to run in the May 31 issue of PW and on the BookLife and PW websites.
Join us in congratulating Sabreet!