Reed Exhibitions and PWxyz have reached an agreement making Publishers Weekly the official publishing partner for BookExpo America. Under the three-year deal, PW will publish three issues of Show Daily coinciding with the days the show’s exhibition floor is opened. “Our new partnership with PW will fulfill a critical goal for 2011 of streamlining some of BEA’s communications which will make for a better experience for both exhibitors and attendees. BEA has enjoyed a long relationship with Publishers Weekly and I couldn't be happier that we will continue to work together well into the future,” said BEA show director Steve Rosato.

“With our history of publishing dailies at BEA we are excited about teaming up with BEA. We believe there are lots of opportunities to make the publication even better for everyone who attends the annual convention,” said Cevin Bryerman, PW publisher.

PW has published daily publications at BEA for 25 years. Until it was acquired by George Slowik, Jr. in April, PW, like BEA, had been owed by Reed Elsevier. “Last year PW added an iPad/iPhone app and Scribd downloads and this year with BEA's partnership, we plan to enhance the availability, accessibility and utility even further,” Slowik said.

In addition to BEA, PW publishes daily issues at both the London Book Fair and Frankfurt Book Fair.