Russia will be the Guest of Honor at BookExpo Amercia’s Global Market Forum in 2012 in New York. Russia’s Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, as well as Academia Rossica and Intelligent Television, are planning events focusing on Russian publishing aimed at both publishing professionals and the general public. BEA event director Steven Rosato said, “We are particularly enthusiastic to roll out the carpet for Russia with its long and prestigious literary tradition as well as help the match making between Russian and American book professionals.”

There will be 50 Russian writers plus another 50 editors and publishing executives at the fair. Professional initiatives will aim to foster business opportunities for publishers, retailers, translators, and the media; while the cultural program will include author readings, discussions, and presentations.

Morgan Entrekin of Grove Atlantic, who has published a number of Russian writers, said, “The celebration of Russian authors and literature during BEA 2012 will provide an opportunity for American publishers, booksellers, and readers to learn more about Russian literature and, I hope, offer publishers a chance to discover new Russian writers that we can bring to the U.S. audience.”

This year’s Global Market Forum will highlight Italy.