BookExpo America has announced that its new Insight Stages, formerly known as Author Stages, will provide authors with a speaking platform as well as the opportunity to interact with readers and booksellers. The Insight Stages will host a series of branded events called Signature Events that will be promoted in BEA materials as well as one the trade show's Web site.

The Insight Stages name grew out of a desire to more accurately describe what is happening in these spaces, said BEA. Each Signature Event is slated to run 90 minutes -- authors have 15 to 20 minutes to speak, then there is an optional period for questions, and a 60-minute autographing session -- and and take place on the Uptown Stage. Seats are free and attendance is capped at 150.

The authors scheduled to appear on the Insight stages are: Charles Frazier (Nightwoods); John Lithgow (An Actor's Education); Michael Moore (Untitled); Jane Lynch (Happy Accidents); and Jane Fonda (Prime Time).