Frequent father-son collaborators Walter Dean Myers and Christopher Myers celebrate the history, people, and spirit of this country in We Are America: A Tribute from the Heart, released by Collins earlier this month.

Walter Dean Myers conceived of the book project in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. "There was a wave of patriotism after 9/11, and it occurred to me that the definition that surfaced then of what it meant to be an American largely didn't include women or people of color," he recalls. "I began thinking about people in history who have defended our country in various ways. It seems that people who are on my side of the political spectrum, which is vaguely leftist, are expected to be very good at criticism but aren't expected to praise our country. I am an American and I love this country, and I decided I needed to take responsibility for my country's history, present, and future."

In preparation for writing his free-verse tribute to his country, Myers reread many American historical documents. "As I read writings and speeches, I realized that these people, living through the drama of their times, were saying it better than I could," says the author. "So I decided to include their words in the text as well." Among the individuals Myers quotes are Shawnee chief Tecumseh, lawyer Andrew Hamilton, abolitionist and orator Frederick Douglass, and poet Emma Lazarus.

Though the text of We Are America was mostly completed before Myers showed it to his son, he explains, "When I began to see what Christopher was doing in his art, I made some changes to accommodate his work. If you're working with a good illustrator, they add to the book in ways that sometimes require adjusting the language." Created over a three-year period, Christopher Myers's outsize paintings measure 3×10 feet. "When he was a boy, we used to go to Mexico often, and Christopher was really impressed with the murals he saw there," says the author. "I could see that connection in his art for this book. I think it works very well."

Walter Dean Myers has also penned a new YA novel, Carmen, based on the novella that inspired the celebrated opera. Published in April by Egmont USA, this contemporary story centers on a strong-willed chica in Spanish Harlem. "If I can help young people forge a connection between their lives and classical literature, and make a work like Carmen part of the culture of urban America, then I've done something good," he reflects.

Father and son sign copies of We Are America today, 10:30–11 a.m., at Table 17. Following that, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Walter Dean Myers will be at Table 5, autographing copies of Carmen.