Sellers Publishing hopes to get show attendees buzzing about Nancy Clarke's My First Ladies: Twenty-five Years as the White House Chief Floral Designer (Oct.).

Written with Christie Matheson, the book offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into White House life, with a special focus on the personalities of first ladies from Rosalynn Carter through Michelle Obama. Clarke's position as chief floral designer allows her to comment on the varying styles and preferences of different administrations, as well as to share humorous and touching moments that readers may never have heard before.

When the proposal for the title came in, it initially focused more on how-to sections for floral design. But senior editor Megan Hiller immediately saw the potential for a more personal approach. "We discussed shifting the focus, jettisoning the how-to aspect and emphasizing the book's appeal as a lively memoir of Nancy Clarke's years in the White House," says Hiller.

That lively side includes everything from "witnessing a naked Hillary Clinton dash from the shower in the White House residence, to her description of working intimately with Laura Bush on Jenna's Texas wedding," says Hiller. She notes that 100 photos—such as of Lady Diana dancing with John Travolta, and President Obama looking at the flower shop refrigerator—along with personal letters and comments about the author from the first ladies themselves.

The publisher expects the title to prove its biggest seller to date, and to further that, it has printed 1,200 advance reader copies. About half of those will be available to show attendees, and Clarke is on hand to sign today, 2:30–4:30 p.m., in the Sellers booth (3679). The rest of the ARCs will be sent to the ALA conference to introduce the title to the library market.