Readers on the hunt for inspirational reads will want to check out Swedenborg Foundation Press's two big titles this season, Helen Keller's How I Would Help the World (Apr.) and Grant Schnarr's The Guardian Angel Diary (May).

The first book by the famed blind and deaf humanitarian was originally published as an introduction to one of Swedenborg's works, True Christian Religion. Swedenborg executive editor Joanna Hill was at a gathering last summer when a woman said she had recently had a dream about angels clamoring for Helen Keller's writings to help the world. Hill contacted Ray Silverman, who had edited an earlier book by Keller, and he signed on to the project and has contributed an introduction.

The press's other major title, The Guardian Angel Diary, is an unusual novel, drawing from minister and life coach Schnarr's real-life experience counseling young people. The story follows 16-year-old Nicole Bealart, who is diagnosed with brain cancer and begins writing a journal that allows her to communicate with her guardian angel. The book has already garnered the endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz, bestselling author and host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Schnarr recently appeared on Dr. Oz's radio show to promote the title.

Silverman will be appearing at Table 9 in the Religion, Faith, Family salute area today at 1 p.m. .

Schnarr will be signing at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Table 4 in thesame area. Both authors will be available in the Swedenborg booth (2946) before and after their appearances.