Read Russia, the new initiative celebrating contemporary Russian literature book culture, will host more than 50 Russian writers, publishers, librarians, journalists, and historians in events around New York City between June 2-7, to coincide with BEA. These events will highlight current Russian literature and nonfiction works as well as launch an Institute of Translation and a new 100-volume Russian Library of classics in English. Presentations will focus on fiction, politics, and culture with events featuring readings, workshops, and film screenings.

Some highlights include: Natalia Solzhenitsyn who will present, for the first time in the U.S., the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Archive; the bestselling Edward Radzinsky and Solomon Volkov, announcing new historical novels and cultural histories of Russia; readings by award winning authors Mikhail Shishkin, Andrei Gelasimov, Vladimir Makanin, Dmitry Bykov, and Zakhar Prilepin, whose new works are being published in English.

In addition, there is a new public exhibition of art from Russian children's books, 1881-1939, at Gallery 172 (172 Duane St), and a series of late-night parties, music, and performances devoted to Russian literature called Read Russia Roof at the Dream Hotel (full schedule available here).