After focusing primarily on North America, where its sales have increased 20% or more through each of the last five years, Sellers Publishing in South Portland, Maine, is looking overseas for more growth. It began by working with Publishers Group UK a year ago, but in January Sellers is moving to F+W International, the U.K. subsidiary of F+W Media for book sales and distribution in the U.K., Europe, and Scandinavia. Grantham Book Services handles warehousing and fulfillment for F+W.

“I prioritized sales in North America when we were scrambling just to keep up with growth in this country,” says owner Ronnie Sellers. “I am thrilled about the new book distribution relationship Sellers Publishing has entered into with F+W Media International. It is rare in business to find a partner so simpatico, and we look forward to working closely with the team in the years ahead.” For Sellers, a key factor is F+W’s ability to sell the press’s books into both the gift and book markets for clients like Dover.