Once again Publishers Weekly will celebrate booksellers and sales representatives with its annual PW Bookstore and PW Sales Rep of the Year awards, now in their 20th year. The awards will be presented in June at BookExpo America in New York City, and award winners will be profiled in the pre-BEA issue of Publishers Weekly magazine.

To be considered for PW Bookstore of the Year, the store must have a bricks-and-mortar location in the U.S. and excel in buying and vendor relations, marketing, handselling, customer service, community involvement, management-employee relations, merchandising, and business operations. Candidates cannot nominate themselves.

The PW Sales Rep of the Year award is open to all sales representatives, including phone reps, who booksellers rely on for information, guidance, and support. The nomination will be used by the judges in making their decision, so please include an anecdote or example that shows the rep’s commitment to excellence.

The deadline for both awards is: February 20 at noon EST. Please submit nominations to: Donna Paz Kaufman at PWawards@publishersweekly.com, or fax them to 904.261.6742. Please be sure to include your name, phone number, and industry affiliation. The nominations will be forwarded to the judges who select this year’s award winners.