The American Booksellers Association has unveiled a new marketing campaign for independent bookstores titled "Indies Take The Gold." The initiative aims to counter Amazon Prime Days, July 16-17, by encouraging customers to shop at local independent bookstores on those days. It draws parallels between independent bookstores and Olympic athletes, positioning local shops as "gold medalists" in various aspects of bookselling.

"Indie Bookstores year after year earn gold medals in personal book recommendations, community support, local job creation, building relationships, and championing debut and diverse authors," the ABA wrote in announcing the campaign. The 2024 summer Olympics opening ceremony is July 26 in Paris.

Marketing materials, including assets for website promotion, in-store displays, and messaging for newsletters and social media are available on While providing a consistent brand for independent bookstores, the ABA notes that booksellers can tailor the messaging to suit their individual stores' needs.

The association is also encouraging booksellers to echo the campaign in store displays by labeling some titles as “Gold Medal Books,” for example, or arranging displays to look like Olympic rings. The ABA also suggests that stores host events, ranging from the ambitious—holding a book-related Olympic games—to more modest endeavors, such as hosting an Olympic Reading Challenge.

Ultimately, the "Indies Take The Gold" campaign is designed to capitalize on the excitement surrounding the Summer Olympics, using it as a platform to promote independent bookstores and "highlight the value of shopping local, foster a sense of community pride, and encourage customers to support neighborhood indie bookstores."