Call For Lulus
Nominations for the 2008 Lulu Awards, which recognize women in comics, are now open for submission. Nominations can be submitted for the Women Cartoonists Hall of Fame, Women of Distinction, Lulu of the Year Award, Kim Yale Award, and Volunteer of the Year at the Friends of Lulu website. While nominating is open to everyone, only current Friends of Lulu members can vote. The Lulu Awards will be presented at the MoCCA Artfest held in New York City June 7 and 8.

Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day, an event that allows comics publishers and retailers to give promotional comics free to kids around the country, will take place on May 3. Participating retailers and available books can be found at the FCBD website.

Around The Web
PW The Beat’s Heidi MacDonald surveys comics issues and incidents around the Web, including items on comics artist Hope Larson; comics writer and Jack Kirby biographer Mark Evanier and American manga-ka Felipe Smith.

Blain U.S. Tour
The French cartoonist, Christophe Blain, will be doing a book tour in the United States sponsored by the French Embassy's Cultural Services Department. Blain's works include Isaac the Pirate, about an artist who turns into a pirate, and The Speed Abater. His books are published in the U.S. by NBM. While in the U.S., Blain will appear at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books and at Floating World Comics on Thursday May 1.

Spiegelman Speaks
Art Spiegelman will give a lecture at the Cavalryman Supper Club as part of the University of Wyoming MFA Visiting Writers Series. The event will be held on Wednesday April 30 at 8 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Also, on Thursday May 1, Spiegelman will hold a lunchtime conversation about his work at the Cavalryman from noon to 1:30 p.m.. Attendance to this event is free, but setting is limited and RSVP tickets are required. More information can be found at the University of Wyoming website.

Life Sucks Excerpt
An excerpt of Jessica Abel, Gabe Soria, and Warren Pleece's new graphic novel, Life Sucks, a contemporary take on vampire stories,can be viewed on Life Sucks is published by FirstSecond and will be released in May of 2008.