Carol Burrell to Draw Kindred GN
Carol Burrell
, creator of SPQR Blues, and editorial director of Lerner Graphic Universe, has been chosen as the artist for the upcoming graphic novel adaptation of Octavia Butler’s acclaimed science fiction novel Kindred. More information is available about the Kindred graphic novel in this article from the March 10 PW Comics Week.

CBLDF Membership Drive
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
is holding its annual membership drive, and is currently offering a number of membership incentives. All members will receive 10% off the price of CGC comics grading at conventions, and members contributing at higher levels will be eligible for free graphic novels and signed comics, including copies of Liberty Comics #1 signed by Walt Simonson, Overlook #1 signed by Josh Williamson, CBLDF lapel pins and original art. The CBLDF is an organization providing legal aid to comic creators, sellers and readers defending their first amendment rights.

Guilty Plea on Manga Obscenity Case
Christopher Handley, the Iowa man brought up on obscenity charges for owning manga allegedly depicting sexually explicit depictions of minors, pled guilty on May 20. Handley is a manga collector, and the books seized were en route, unopened, from Japan. He faces up to 15 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. More information is available two linksround up posts at The Beat and one from Brigid Alverson over at Manga Blog

2008 Reuben Awards
The National Cartoonists Society held their annual awards ceremony on May 23. The winner of the 2008 Reuben Award for top cartoonist went to Dave Coverly, creator of Speed Bump. The NCS Division award for best newspaper strip cartoon went to Mark Tatulli for Lio and the award for best newspaper panel cartoon went to Mark Parisi for Off the Mark.Michael Ramirez’s work won for best Editorial Cartoons.A complete list of the 2008 awards is available at the NCS website.

This Week @ Good Comics for Kids
This week School Library Journal’s blog Good Comics for Kids has posted a review of Violet Rose #1-2, a review of two fantasy shojo manga from Aurora, the 5/20 listing of comics and manga suitable for all ages, a follow up on Toon Books and a review chat on Princess Plus and Train Train.

This Week @ The Beat

Emmanuel Guibert’s big weekend -- First Second Cartoonist has media blitzComics Archaeology -- Going through old shelves uncovers past industry trends.Manning Award nominees: Eleanor DavisManning Award nominees: Gregory BaldwinPreview: Robot 13 -- A look at a new indie comicMore Handley reactions -- The industry reacts to Christopher Handley's guilty plea for obscenity.