Top Shelf to Publish AX

Top Shelf will be releasing a 400 page book of selections from the Japanese underground manga anthology AX. The book is co-edited by Sean Michael Wilson and AX co-founder Mitsuhiro Asakawa. At Wilson’s panel about gekiga (Japanese indy comics) at the Alternative Press Expo this weekend, a sixteen-page sampler of the AX anthologywill be available. The panel is on Sunday from 5 to 5:45pm. More information about the book and Wilson’s panel can be found at the Same Hat! Same Hat! blog.

Horror Comics form Bluewater and Lionsgate

Bluewater joins the swelling branks of licensed comics publishers by partnering with Lionsgate to develop comics’ series for the horror films Leprechaun and Warlock. Warlock comic will be written by Nick Lyons, with art by Jacob Bear and colored by John Hunt. Matt Bellisle contributes alternative covers for the series. The Leprechaun comic team includes writer Zach Hunchar and artist Kris Carter.

Comics Exhibit at University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania presents the exhibit “Life in Boxes: Comic Art & Artifacts.” The exhibit shows a collection of 5,000 books and 20,000 comic books recently donated to the Penn Libraries by Steven Rothman. The exhibit runs from October 27th through March 22nd at the Kamin Gallery in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center and the university will present a series of related lectures.

One Day MAD Exhibit at MoCCA

On October 29th, the Museum of Comics and Cartoon Art in New York City is showing a one day exhibit, “MAD Contemporary Art Treasures: The Most Classic Original Art from MAD Magazine.” Thirty-six pieces of artwork will be on display, all of which features MAD’s mascot Alfred E. Neuman, previewing Heritage Auction Galleries’ November 2008 Vintage Comics and Comics Art Signature Auction.

Bone on the iPhone

Jeff Smith’s comic Bone is now available on the iPhone. The first issue of the full color Scholastic version can be downloaded through the iTunes store for $0.99. Uclick is providing Bone to the iPhone through their comic reader.


This weekend's big event is the Alternative Press Expo, held November 1st and 2nd at the San Francisco Concourse. Guests for the show include Jessica Abel, Paige Braddock, Megan Kelso, Matt Madden, and Chris Ware, and exhibitors

Quesada on Cover Prices

In this week's MyCup o’Joe, Marvel Editor in Chief, Joe Quesada, discusses the rising price of comics’ and the future of comics in the though economic times. Quesada also talks about the new Punisher series and the new Black Panther.