The battered manga category was dealt another blow after DC Comics announced plans to shut down CMX, its manga imprint, in July. The shutdown will not affect Megatokyo, Fred Gallagher’s bestselling original American manga series, which will continue to be published under the DC Comics line.

Although the initial launch of CMX generated controversy over the removal of mature material from the sexually explicit Tenjho Tenge series, the imprint went on to publish more than 50 titles since its debut in 2004. Two of the lines most popular titles were Gallagher’s Megatokyo and the Victorian era saga, Emma by Kaoru Mori.

In a joint statement, DC Comic co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio said “Over the course of the last six years, CMX has brought a diverse list of titles to America and we value the books and creators that we helped introduce to a new audience. Given the challenges that manga is facing in the American marketplace, we have decided that CMX will cease publishing new titles as of July 1.”

While the statment thanked fans that supported CMX and acknowledged “the efforts and dedication of the CMX staff” a DC spokesperson declined to respond to questions on whether the shutdown would result in layoffs. CMX line will publish 7 titles before closing for good on July 1.

The final titles to be published include Musashi vol. 17; Venus Capriccio vol. 4; Two Flowers for the Dragon vol. 6; Polyphonica vol. 1; Stolen Hearts vol. 2; Teru Teru X Shonen vol. 7 and Orfina vol. 8.